Lightning: | Evil: | Healing: |
Bolt- Lightning attack against one opponent.
Bolt X- Lightning attack against all opponents. Lightning Storm- Lightning attack against all opponents. Shocking Grasp- Lightning attack against one opponent, requires direct contact. Lightning Shield- Lightning shield, causes immunity to all lightning baised spells. Minor resistance to physical attacks. Flash- Chance to blind all opponents. Dispel Flash- Chance to dispel all shadow type status spells currently in effect. Bolt Strike- Raises attack power of one of casters weapons currently in use, also high chance to do element baised damage with the attack. |
Death Chime- Evil/death spell against one opponent, gradually lowers opponents health until death.
Animate Dead- Brings 'life' back to corpse/creates a zombie. Ressurect- Restores life to one target. Mind Control- 1 in 30 chance of mind control againts one target, chance of spell success varies depending on target's resistance to evil/shadow type spells. |
Cure 2- Cures medium wounds.
Cure 3- Cures major wounds. Full Heal- Full status/physical healing of one target. Purify- Cures curse, poison, and mute. Cure Blind- Cures blindness. |