Page of general stats:
Age- 46
Race- Grassrunner
Quick Background- Mrs. Wireman has taught at Windian High for fourteen years, and has enjoyed every year of it. She loves teaching, even if she doesn't seem too enthusiastic. In fact, Mrs. Wireman seems to be one of the hardest teachers in the school, aside from Windian High's well known 'History Teachers of Death (by Boredom)' ~yes, most of WHS history teachers are very very boring. =~-~= ~. She used to be a math teacher, but gradually began teaching science when they had a lack of science teachers and Mrs. Wireman had had enough of teaching math for a good while. Since then, she's never gone to a different subject.
Oh yes, Mrs. Wireman's a widow. Her husband died a while ago, but she's kept the title of Mrs. and her husbands last name anyway. ~Her maiden name would be Jennifer Dowery~ Mrs. Wireman's never had any children of her own, that's why she likes teaching so much. She likes having kids that she can get rid of at the end of every day. =^-^=
Subject Taught- Science, teaches Biology, and Social Science.
Periods Teaching- Per. 1,4,5- Biology, Per. 2,3,6 - Social Science
Misc Fact- Aside from being one of the hardest teachers at Windian High, Mrs. Wireman is very popular among students and faculty. She takes her job seriously, and cares a great deal about her pupils. Mrs. Wireman seems to double as one of the schools main counselors, and has always had an open door policy if ever a student needed to visit her classroom. Well, open door as long as you knock first that is. =^^=;;