"So Chris..." Diane Brandshire said as she looked at her boyfriend, her tail waving happily. "Ya ready for that dance tomorrow?"Chris Fallon smoothed out his uniform jacket and ran a hand through his jet-black hair. "As ready as I will be... Do I pick you up, or what?"
"Last time we had a dance..." Diane said as she recalled The Battle of the Bands. "We all kinda met up at th' Tiger's Catch..." The female woren noticed Frank approaching, and just ignored the Persona User.
"Ladon, Diane..." Chris said quietly as he looked at his girlfriend. "You're still mad at him, aren't you?"
Diane's ears began to flatten out. "Until th' jerk apologizes... tha's all..."
"Diane! Hey Diane!!!" Frank yelled out as he approached the couple.
Diane just turned her back to the Persona User. "Did ya hear somethin', Chris?"
Frank sweatdropped. Oh God... I really am in trouble... I'd better just get it off my chest... I think it'd be better though, if I could get her alone.
"Chris... you mind if I talk to Diane for a moment? It's really important..." Frank said to the woren fencer.
Chris looked at Diane for a moment, and gave her a light nod to reassure her that everything was going to be okay. As the woren walked past Frank, he whispered into the Persona User's ear.
"Good luck... she's still ticked at you... I apologized already... and she's expecting the same from you..." With those words, the woren walked over to the rest of Frank's friends, where Cynthia and Alex had already joined the group.
"Diane..." Frank said as he placed a hand on the woren's shoulder. Immediately, the younger Brandshire moved, making the Persona User's arm dangle limply.
Christ... I really screwed up...
"I know... you've got every right to be mad at me, Diane... Damn... I screwed up royally... I'm sorry... for keeping that weapon a secret from you..." Frank said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Diane whirled around and had a look of fire behind her vivid green eyes. "Why'd ya do it, Frank? Why'd you do it, and have Chris in as well? Ladon... I'm yer co-worker, and your friend!!!" At that moment, she turned her head away from the Persona User. "How could ya, Frank? You hurt me..."
"I don't know, Diane..." Frank said quietly. "I don't know what caused me to do it... But both my conscience and my Persona were bugging me about it. Damn, Diane... I didn't mean to hurt you... I know I did, and it's hurting me as well, knowing that... Christ... I can't even begin to tell you how bad I feel..."
Diane turned to look at Frank, and noticed that he now had his head low, like it was hanging in shame. Ladon... he really is sorry...
"Frank..." Diane said as her tail began to wave slowly. "Yer forgiven... Just... don't let it happen again... Yer my friend... and I trust mah friends... More so with Chris... if ah can't trust y'all... then who would ah be able to trust?"
"I'm sorry Diane... it won't happen again... I promise. Don't worry, I'm good on my promises... just ask Kate." Frank said with a smile.
"I kin take yer word for it..." Diane replied as she crossed her arms. "Yer girlfriend just walked in... why don't we join th' others now?"
"That's a great idea... hey... later at work, I've got something for you... kinda like a way to say, I'm sorry." Frank said as he and his friend began to make their way back to the others.
"What?" Diane's ears perked up as she turned to look at the Persona User. "You've got somethin' fer little ole me? Ya shouldn't have!"
"Well... I did. I'll show it to you at work... I'm sure you'll like it..."
Frank whistled to himself as he made his way over to his girlfriend. Diane, however, was just standing there, wondering what Frank had done for her.
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