The windian really hadn't moved an inch all day since Ray had left him there on the couch. Now at night, the lamp at his head glowing brightly in the darkness that enveloped the Bendrel's, Jason continued to lay, an unmoving mass on the couch. He was done. There was no longer a reason for him to try.I told you you should just give up, Burnhart. It's about time you listened. Shut the fuck up, I'm still here aren't I? Only because there's nothing else you could do. Tell me, is that all you're going to do now, just lay there and let the world go by around you? What the fuck is it to you anyway, why won't you leave me alone? Jason sighed and closed his eyes, trying to drown out the voice in his mind. Big mistake. His eyes flew open once more as the drowning feeling of the Presence swept over him like a flood. The red-haired windian gritted his teeth in annoyance. You won't fucking let me sleep, you won't fucking let me live, you won't fucking let me die, what do you fucking want from me?
I just want to watch you suffer.
Jason's eyes went wide and a cold sweat immediatly damped his forehead. It wasn't the words that startled him, it was their sound. By now he was used to hearing the words in his head, but that time it was different. That time it wasn't his own voice, it was more of a whisper, like a quiet gust a wind that swept through the room. The room, not his mind. As if the one who had spoken the voice was right there with him. Jason slowly sat up and looked around, not surprised to see nothing more then just an empty room.
Great, Burnhart, you really are fucking paraniod. Voices in the room fucking you up more then voices in your head now? Shut up, shut the fuck up, it was just my imagination. Yea, a lot of things are your imagination, huh Burnhart? Shut up... Jason rolled over once more, turning his back to the darkness and to the room. Just leave me alone...
But it persisted, and Jason suffered the abuse of the Presence even as the night wore on.
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