"So tell me again," Chelsea looked over at her grey-furred friend curiously, "about what happened in the room? There was lightning..""Oh yea." Tym was panting excitedly, her tail wagging back and forth. She and the stallion girl were falling behind Sabs and Amber slowly, but neither of them noticed. The human and windian were carrying on their own conversation about the dance that was being help later in the night, which left Chelsea and Tym to talk about the scenario that Tym managed to witness earlier in Vagger's class room. "And then there was this other weird flash, and this one chick who looked like a light dragon..."
"What were they doing in there?" Chelsea let out a snort and shook her mane in wonder before scratching her chin. Tym just shrugged.
"I dunno? Oh! I've got one of them in my photography class!" Once again, the wolf girl's maw split into a toothy grin, her tongue lolling out excitedly. "I'll ask her today!"
"Hey!" Sabs suddenly turned and called to her friends where were now lagging behind her at a good distance. "Are you two going to catch up or what? Why are you so far behind anyway? Do we smell bad or something?" The fire-haired girl sniffed under her arms curiously. "I showered today, I'm pretty sure Amber did." The windian next to her blushed and nodded just barely as Sabs chuckled. Tym yelped suddenly.
"Gads, at this rate we'll be so far behind that we'll be making it to school a full period behind you guys!" She flashed her friends ahead of her a full set of her sharp teeth in a wide grin, then turned to Chelsea and gave a light tug on the stallion's arm. "C'mon Chel, may as well catch up."
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