Ray already left to get Lucy, and Kristeen was gone to only who knows where. Jason was the only one at home, watching Britney and Phen as they ran around playing. It had been a few hours, the windian was lying on his back, stretched out along the couch, reading his most recently retrieved book. Currently he was going over the forward, a lot of bullshit that tries to explain just why all of this shit wasn't fucking taught to us in school, yet why it's so useful that no one has fucking burned it yet, so I may as well read the piece of shit, after all what else am I going to do? A loud yawn from nearby caused him to look up from the book, and he spotted Britney sleepily rubbing her eyes. Another glance, this time at the clock, and the red-haired windian realized that it was way past the little dragon's bed time. He immediatly jumped up, tossing the book down onto the couch and made his way over to her."Alright, Little Bit, come on. You should have been in bed an hour ago."
"But I'm not.." Britney had to stop a moment to allow a yawn out, "tired, Jason! I wanna stay up later!"
"Look Little Bit, the sooner you get to sleep now, then the sooner it will be tomorrow and you'll have all day to play! Besides," the windian motioned over to Phen who looked nearly as tired as Britney sounded, "I think you're little friend needs a nap too."
Britney let out a whine but she grudgingly listened. Fifteen minutes later, her teeth were brushed, she was dressed in her PJs, and she and Phen were curled up in her bed as Jason tucked them in.
"Night Little Bit, you sleep well, alright?" The windian turned to leave, clicking off the lights before closing the door behind him. He almost had it shut when a noise behind him made him stop and turn around.
He paused for a moment. "Yea Little Bit?"
"Tell the bugs to go away."
It was fortunate the light was already out, because that way Britney couldn't see the dumbfounded look that had just appeared on Jason's face. "Excuse me?"
"Ray always tells the bed bugs not to bite me, and they go away."
"Ray does that, huh?" Jason walked back over to the head of the bed, staring down at Britney. "And how does he do that?"
"He threatens to turn into a dragon and squash them if they do."
"..." Jason could only rub his scarred hand for a moment, staring down at Britney in wonder. ".. right.... well, I can't exactly make that same threat you know..." His comment was met by another whimper.
"But I don't want them to bite me...."
"Fine," the windian let out a sigh. "Look..." he glanced around the room thoughtfully for a second before heading over to Britney's closet. The little dragon looked up curiously as the windian opened the closet doors, shuffled about for a moment, then returned to the bed side with a shoe in his hand. He set the footwear on top of Britney's nightstand.
"What's that for?" Britney stared at the shoe in wonder.
"It's how you're going to keep the bed bugs away." Jason's voice had a matter-'o-fact tone to it. Britney just continued to stare.
"Like this." Jason picked up the shoe and leaned over to look at the little dragon. "Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite!" His voice seemed sing-songy as he recited his rhyme. "But if they do, then grab this shoe, and beat 'em till they're black and blue!" The last part retrieved a giggle from Britney, and Jason ruffled her blue hair as he sat the shoe back on her night stand. "Night Britney, sleep well."
"Night Jason!"
The windian closed the door behind him as he headed back downstairs to get back to his book.
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