"Jason?" Lucy finally caught the windian in her sights. He was standing over near a tree, scanning over the student body while rubbing his left hand lightly. Startled at hearing his name, he turned and caught sight of Lucy. It was then that the raven-haired windian noticed the sleepless look in his eyes. "Wow... you look like hell.""Thanks." Jason continued to rub his left hand uneasily before finally stuffing it into the pocket of his uniform pants. Wow, she's actually talking to me again. Oh wait, there it is, in her eyes.... yup, Burnhart, she still hates you. Jason muttered something inaudible under his breath as he studied Lucy's expression for a moment. "So, what do you want?"
Besides Brandon back? Lucy shrugged her shoulders lightly as she looked at Jason. "I don't know. I haven't seen you since we got back to Windia. Ray told me to ask if you were alright since you were acting so quiet last night when you got home."
"Huh?" Jason shifted his weight a bit from foot to foot uneasily. "Oh yea, that." He shrugged. "I dunno, just trying to get used to things again. Say, have you seen Janet?" The red-haired windian glanced over the students that were sitting, walking around, and chatting together in the courtyard of the school's cafeteria. Lucy shrugged.
"Have you tried looking for the rest of the WINGS? She should be with them."
Jason immediatily turned to stare at Lucy, an slightly unbelieving yet serious look in his eyes. "She's what? With the WINGS? With JUSTIN???"
"Yea..." Lucy raised her eyebrow curiously at Jason. "Why?"
Jason and pulled his hands out of his pockets and was rubbing his left hand vigerously again, shaking his head and mutter. "What the fuck does she.... fuck it!" Jason shook his head. "Fuck that, I've gotta go find her." He scooted past Lucy and disappeared into the great crowd of students. The startled raven-haired windian watched him go.
Well... she thought to herself. I guess he's not too happy that she's back with the WINGS either...
* * * Justin looked up from where he was sitting in between Janet and Candice. Immediatly he tapped his girlfriend on the shoulder. "Hey babe, looks like you've got someone who wants to see you."
"Hrm?" Janet looked up as well and spotted Jason who was weaving through the students on his way over to the table. "Oh Landon, what does he want?" With a sigh, Janet got up and went over to meet him.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" That was the greeting Jason gave her when she stepped up to him. Janet just flashed him an annoyed look and crossed her arms.
"What? Do you have a problem with something?"
"Yes I have a fucking problem with something!" Jason shot a look past Janet to where the rest of the WINGS were sitting at the table. Chad and David had looked up, but the minute they saw Jason gazing in their direction they immediatly dropped their eyes back to their lunches. Jason figured they were standing just out of ear shot of the WINGS table, but he dropped his voice anyway as he looked back down at Janet. "I've got a problem, and it's sitting over there in a high school uniform with those fucking white wings of his. Janet, what the hell are you doing? Do you remember anything at all that you were talking about while we were gone??"
Janet nodded. "Yea, and you know what? I think I've figured it out." She glared up at Jason. "It's quite simple. You're a jerk. Not to mention a jackass. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go back and sit down." Janet turned to leave.
Jason just stuffed his hands into his pockets as he watched her go, all the while muttering to himself quietly. "Bitch... right, see if I ever give a shit again." He turned and was about to walk away but was startled to find Lucy almost immeditaly behind him. "When did you get there?" He blinked in surprise.
Lucy looked past him a moment to where the WINGS were sitting, then turned her gaze back to Jason. "Don't give up. I don't like her over there with them either. We're going to have to try and convince her to finally leave the group behind."
"Yea." Jason muttered his agreement and pulled his right hand out of his pocket, running his thumb over the tips of his fingers in annoyance. "And that bastard she's sitting with." This managed a curious look from Lucy and Jason shook his head. "I caught her complaining about him a lot while we were gone. She seemed pretty set on calling him a bastard and leaving when we got back home, but it looks like she's changed her mind." Jason looked over to where Justin was sitting and narrowed his eyes at the windian before turning back to Lucy. "I think this is all just bull shit. Justin and Candice both, you can tell something's up just by looking at how they react to Janet."
Lucy shrugged her shoulders lightly. "I guess Janet doesn't notice? Or doesn't want to notice." She sighed. "I'm going to talk to her some more." Lucy slipped past Jason and he watched as she went over and sat down next to Janet. Stuffing his hand back into his pocket, Jason wandered off, heading towards the auditorium to wait for lunch to end.