It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning. Over at the park, a group of three girls were sitting around, idly chatting together about the dance last night while doing homework for some of their classes. Amber, Chelsea and Tym sprawled out in the grass, each grudgingly going over their respective text books. Every so often a comment was thrown up, either Amber talking about the dance in hopes of getting Chelsea's interest, or Tym muttering something about how health was the devil. The scene continued like this until a light hearted whistling sound reached the group and the three looked up, spotting their fourth friend walking down one of the trails towards them, back pack full of assignments slung over her shoulder. Sabs greeted her friends with a charming smile before dropping her back and folding to the ground, pulling out her Speech book and flipping it open."Hey girls! So what's up?"
"Not much." Amber smiled lightly, her puffy little wings twitching in the breeze. "We've just been studying."
Tym let out an annoyed little whine as she looked at Sabs. "You're later then normal. But then again, I guess you were out late last night, weren't you?" The wolf girl's tongue lolled out in a grin for a moment. "So Sabs, how was your night last night after you LEFT YOUR FRIENDS ALONE AT THE DANCE AND RAN OFF WITH THAT ONE GUY TO GO OUT TO DINNER WITHOUT TELLING EITHER OF US AFTER MAKING AMBER CRY BY DANCING WITH THAT GUY THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T EVER TOLD ME HIS NAME OH WAIT I REMEMBER NOW IT'S THAT GUY YOU KEEP OOGLING AT SCHOOL JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER GIRL WHO EVER LOOKS HIS WAY!!" Tym's fur as bristled, her teeth bared in a little sneer as she snarled out that last part. Her three friends stopped what they were doing to all stare at her. Tym just cleared her throat, scratched under her spiked collar, and flashed Sabs a toothy grin. "I mean uh... so how was your date? Details?"
Sabs blinked in shock. "Cheezus, Tym! What was that all about???"
"Oh, you know..." the wolf rolled her eyes. "Last night how you and Amber were talking and then that one guy.. what.. Billy? Came up to you both and then you went off dancing with him, leaving Amber all alone..."
"Now wait just a minute!" Sabs nervously began to defend herself. "Cheezus, I didn't expect him to ask me to dance, alright? I was sure he was coming to talk to Amber..." She shot her friend an apologetic look.
Tym just continued. "And after one dance, not only did you not go back to hang out with your friends anymore so that I had to go comfort Amber and find out what was wrong, you then proceeded to set yourself up on a date with this guy..."
"We just won a dance contest! That was it, alright?!? Cheezus Tym, we won a free dinner and you're trying to make it sound like a crime!"
"And then..." Tym's voice spoke up again, "you left with this guy without even stopping to say good bye to me and Amber, you're two original dates! Now how are we supposed to feel about all of that, huh?" Tym let out a snort and shot Sabs a slight glare. "But enough about us..." the glare vanished and was replaced by another panting grin. "So how was your night?"
Sabs just glared hurtfully at her. "Well, it was alright until this morning when it was all just shot to hell."
"Sounds interesting." Chelsea brayed lightly, not even bothering to look up from the Pyschology book she was reading. "I'm almost sorry I missed it, but the highlights are more then enough for me, really."
The human rolled her eyes before turning to Amber with a sigh. "Cheezus, Amber, look I'm sorry if I seemed that bad last night... I guess I really wasn't thinking about you after Billy and I started dancing..."
"Oh... it's alright..." Amber's voice was quiet as she offered her friend a tiny smile. "He came to talk to you, I'm just glad you had a good night..."
"Yea, you jerk."
"Tym!" Amber's wings fluttered for a moment as she shot the wolf a dissaproving look before turning back to Sabs. "Anyway... how was your date?"
Sabs smiled slightly. Now it was just weird to talk about her date with Billy after what Tym just said. "Um, it was alright. The food was wonderful, and we saw Vagger and Ms. Smith there.."
"Oh?" Amber's eyes seemed to brighten a little with interest. "They were having dinner together?"
"Yea, they were." Sabs grinned. "Weird, huh?"
"It must be a conspiracy..." Tym looked up from her book and cast a shifty-eyed glance around the park. "Teachers hanging out together outside of school..."
"Yea.." Chelsea finally glanced up from her reading material to give Tym a sarcastic stare. "Because we all know that teachers have no social lives and would never go out and do the things normal people do."
"Exactly!" Tym barked in amusement, panting to herself as her tail wagged against the ground. Chelsea just rolled her eyes and snorted before going back to her book.
"So, did you two do anything after dinner?" Amber turned the subject back to her original question. Sabs nodded and smiled.
"Yea, after that we went for a walk," she glanced around, "at the park here actually. It was really nice out, you know? Not too cold or anything, and the sky was nice and clear." She smiled to herself as she remembered her date with the windian.
Amber ran a few fingers carefully through her hair before speaking again. "That does sound like a really nice night... so, do you think you're going to see him again?"
Sabs nodded. "Yea.. it really feels like there's some sort of chemisty between us, do you know what I mean?"
Tym groaned. "Chemistry.. don't talk about chemistry!"
"Oh shut up, Tym." Sabs snapped quickly. "You don't even have chemistry. You're not even taking a science class!"
"Exactly why I don't want to hear about it." Tym flashed another one of those lolling grins that Sabs had grown to hate so much. The human just rolled her eyes at her friend and promptly ignored her.
"Well.." Amber reached out and placed her hand on Sabs' arm, smiling at her friend. "I just want you to know that I'm happy for you, and I hope everything works out." Her little wings twitched slightly. Even if I liked him too and do sort of wish he had danced with me last night, I suppose the next best thing is seeing one of my best friends happy with him. As hard as that is to admit.
Sabs stared at the windian thoughtfully for a moment before her face broke into a smile. "Cheezus, Amber, that's real sweet of you!" She leaned over and hugged her friend thankfully. "You're a real friend, you know that? Unlike some people..." she punctuated her sentence with a glance in Tym's direction. Tym just let out an innocent whine.
"Now what would you mean by that?" Again she stuck her tongue out at Sabs in a lolling grin as the four turned their attention back to school work.
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