Sunday in Windia..."Gotta get to the coliseum... Or Tellka will kill me..." Frank said before laying his skateboard down on the ground in front of him. The Persona User strapped on a matte-black helmet that had an angel sticker and a woren sticker on each side, before pulling on elbow pads and knee pads."
"So..." Shayla asked as she looked around the streets of Windia. The dark elf noted the odd looks that she was receiving, before remembering that she is the only elf on the face of Torana. "Frank, why exactly are you going to this... coliseum place?"
"Sis..." Brad said before Frank could answer. The egotistical Persona User set his own skateboard down, before grabbing his helmet. Brad's helmet was completely covered in stickers, ranging from anime to sporting teams. His skateboard was a Birdhouse brand board, with one of Tony Hawk's designs on it. "It happened like this... basically, this guy was messing with his girlfriend at school, Frank stepped in, and..."
"Now I've got to fight this guy on Wednesday, without the use of my Persona." Frank said as he pulled a backpack on. Said backpack had all of Frank's training clothing and armor within, and his old St. Hermelin rapier hooked to the side of it. "I'm not about to lose to this jerk, which is why I have some friends training me."
Both Persona Users began to skate off toward the coliseum, staying slow enough so that Shayla could keep up with them.
"So... Brad..." Frank said, looking over to his friend. "What kind of store is your mom wanting to open up?"
"Well man..." Brad said as he looked over at Frank. "Ma was looking up to open up a pharmacy somewhere here in Central Windia... I think she also wanted to have like an ice cream Shoppe attached to it or something... "
"... That's one thing Windia's missing, Brad..." Frank replied before keeping an eye on the sidewalk. "For as long as I've been here... I haven't seen one of those."
"Dude, I'm going to be working it when we open..." Brad said with a grin.
"He's going to be a soda jerk." Shayla added in.
"... So, he's going to be an even bigger jerk now?" Frank said with a wide smile on his face.
"... Dude..." Brad said as he looked at his friend. "You cut me man... you cut me real deep..."
"Kidding... kidding..." Frank said before letting out a low chuckle. "It just had to be said, man..." Beside them, Shayla was giggling rather uncontrollably.
"Hey... Brad? You know, you might see Alyson at the coliseum..." Frank said after a few moments of silence between the three of them. Of course, that little statement got a reaction out of the Egotistical Persona User. "I saw her name on the marquee out in the lobby last time I was there... So I think that she's one of the fighters there..."
"Dude... you know if she's fighting today?" Brad asked as soon as the three of them came to a stop in front of the coliseum.
Shayla's ears twitched as she let out a soft sounding giggle. The dark elf glanced around the area before turning back to her new brother. "My... you seem rather enthusiastic, bro. I mean..."
Frank just let out a laugh before entering the coliseum with Shayla and Brad. "Dude, I just found out recently that she's one of the fighters here. If you want to find out if she's fighting today..." The Persona User motioned to the marquee board that was situated beside the receptionist's desk. "Just read the board over there... It should tell you if she's fighting, and who she's fighting." Of course, Brad Terranama made his way to the fight listing, and checked it over.
"Huh... she is fighting today... in a few minutes, actually... ... Dude, she's fighting that guy that you're supposed to go against on Wednesday..." Brad turned back to his friends, and grinned that trademark grin of his. "Sis... Frank... I'm gonna go watch her fight. Shayla, ya want to come with?"
The dark elf just shook her head and offered a smile to the Persona User. "I'll pass for now, Brad. I want to help Frank get in shape for his upcoming fight." With that, Shayla turned to Frank and gave him a mischievous grin. The Persona User just looked at the dark elf and gulped rather loudly.
"Great..." Frank said as he rubbed his neck. "Between Tellka and you... I'm gonna be dead tired by the time my fight comes..." Frank let out a sigh, causing Shayla to giggle.
"Well... I'll see you two later..." Brad said before heading to the arena that Alyson was scheduled to fight in. Shayla and Frank looked at each other, before the dark elf followed Frank to the practice arena that Kate and Tellka were waiting for him in.
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