After hearing what Lucy had told her during lunch at Windia High, Yuki was bound and determined to talk to her friend, and maybe instill some sense into her.If what Lucy told me is true, then these people are probably what caused her to be so bad in the first place... These aren't true friends at all, if that happens! I hope to God that I'm not too late. Please, Kami-Sama... Let me talk some sense into her... and don't let that Candice girl get in my way...
Yuki made her way to where the WINGS were sitting. She saw a blonde haired girl give her a look, but the Persona User just disregarded it completely.
"Janet." Yuki said in a stern voice.
The Windian looked up at the mention of her name. When she saw Yuki, she smiled.
"Hey Yuki! Let me introduce you to the group! Guys, this is an old friend of mine, Yuki Kauro. Yuki..."
The Persona User shook her head. "Janet... we need to talk. Now." She motioned to a secluded spot in the cafeteria courtyard. Coincidentally, it was the exact same spot that Lucy had talked to her.
"Um... sure Yuki... Guys, I'll be right back..." Janet got up and followed Yuki. Before they left, though.
"That's Yukino, to you..." Yuki said to the WINGS group before taking Janet to the spot where she had motioned to earlier.
"What's wrong, Yuki?" Janet asked before pushing a strand of hair out of her face.
"I had a talk with Lucy, Janet..." Yuki started. "Look... from the way that group is acting, and the glare that blonde gave me... they're not all that good. What in God's name are you doing with them???"
"Yuki..." Janet started. "They're my friends!"
"Friends?" Yuki said before glancing at WINGS. The Persona User adjusted her hair clip before continuing. "They don't seem to get along..."
"You don't understand! They're my friends! And my boyfriend is there as well!" Janet replied hotly.
Yuki took another look and noticed the blonde was nudging the teenager with white wings. "Look Janet... I'm your friend. A true friend. Lucy's worried about you, and she's your best friend. Please, Janet..."
"Yuki..." Janet started.
"Just look into your soul and figure things out. And by all means, if the guy with white wings is your boyfriend, then he's no good... from the looks of it, he's flirting with that blonde there..." Yuki replied before crossing her arms and leaning back a little bit.
"Don't start with me Yuki! Lucy and Jason think that Justin is cheating on me! I know he's not!"
Yuki sighed. "Janet... Just think about this... know who your true friends are. Eventually, you'll realize, and shed your mask."
Janet shook her head. "I... I just don't know what to think, Yuki... I don't know..."
"Then take your time, Janet. It'll all come to you eventually." Yuki replied. "Look, I'll see you later, okay?"
"All right, Yuki... see ya." Janet replied before heading back to WINGS.
Yuki returned to the lunch table and sat beside Lucy.
"How did it go?" Lucy asked the Japanese teenager.
"Give her time, Lucy-Chan... She'll figure it out eventually. Janet will definitely be thinking about what I told her... Then she'll shed her mask." Yuki replied with a smile.
"Lucy-Chan???" The Windian asked in confusion.
"In my country, if someone's a good friend, we call them by their name and add the suffix, chan." Yuki explained.
Lucy Conwing let out a small smile. "So, where are you from anyway?"
"Oh... somewhere far, far away..." Yuki replied before taking a sip of her milk.