When you can't sleep, nothing is the same. Nothing is real, and nothing is fake. Nothing is a dream, nothing is the waking world. It's all mushed together in such a way that you're simply there, even if you're not. Information is taken in, filtered through, and then spewed out in the thought process that he simply referred to as the 'who gives a shit' evaluation. It was simple. He asked himself the question, 'do I give a shit about this?' and if the answer was no, which it usually was, the information generally didn't stick in the windian's mind. This had made life very interesting for Jason seeing as how in school, teachers seem to think that yes, he should give a shit about the information being filtered through him. Either way, it didn't seem to affect him much in his life through the world of sleepless dreams. Days were no longer seperated by the act of sleeping, and time just seemed to glom together in a meaningless way. If you had asked him, Jason probably couldn't tell you what day it was, what time it was, or even how long he had been back in Windia. This information was information that he simply did not give a shit about.What I do give a shit about, however, is what the fuck is wrong with Chad and David, and why the fuck Janet is still hanging around that shit-head Justin. Fucking bastard and his whore, Candice. Shit, fuck that, fine. If Janet doesn't want to actually do something intelligent, then fucking fine, that's her fucking choice. What do I care about that heartless bitch anyway? I swear, saved her fucking ass twice and still no 'thanks' from her. Shit, see if I ever give a fuck about anything again. Not having sleep agitated Jason. His mood had been steadily growning worse since being back in Windia, and especially since going back to school. The only relief Jason seemed to find at all, was going out for walks at the park. Jason had headed there as soon as he had walked Britney home from school. The red-haired teen was just now making his way back home, looking forward to just being able to sit down for a while.
Jason went on walks to settle his mind. He wasn't sure why, but for some reason the movement just seemed to help his thought process. However, it didn't help him much to be walking around in a park with people everywhere when the windian was so detached from himself that he couldn't tell if he was really there walking through the park or if he was just watching someone else walk through the park. Having confused himself multiple times with this annoying phenomina, he had finally given up and just decided to head home to lay down on the couch until he had to move again. Atleast when you're at home lying on the couch, confusing shit doesn't keep popping up to surprise you.
The windian had no idea what to expect when he finally opened the front door of the Bendrel household.
It was then that multiple things happened at once, and it took the windian's mind a moment to realize just what it was that was happening.
First of all, the windian couldn't help but note that suddenly he was unable to see, due to some substance that was now stinging his face and causing his eyes to close in reflex.
Second of all, Jason couldn't help but note that the particular substance on his face was very cold and wet. It was at that time that he went to finally brush the substance from his face and out of his eyes. At this same moment, he managed to note that the temperature of the house seemed much colder then normal.
Finally, the windian's mind registered and translated the warning shout that Ray had given off the minute the windian had begun to open the door. Simply put, the warning that the dragon had called out had been along the lines of 'Jason, if that's you, look out because Brat's about to smack you with a snowball!' The windian then noted this as information that would have been better to register before hand, instead of being the last thing his mind picked up on. Finally rubbing the last but of cold, damp substance from his face, the windian looked around the living room and gave a sigh.
"Hrm?" The dragon rubbed his neck and looked over at Jason. "Yea?"
"Is there a layer of snow blanketing the living room?"
The dragon glanced around and then gave a shrug. "Yea, I'd say so."
"Alright, just making sure." And with that, Jason turned and exited the house as casually as he had entered. Well... on second thought, I think I'll just go back to the park and lay down on one of the benches there.
When you can't sleep, you learn not to question the strange things that happen. You simply filter them through the 'who gives a shit' evaluation, and if the answer comes up negative, it's best just to leave the situation alone and hope it goes away.