Diane sighed loudly to herself as she leaned on the broom handle. Jess had asked her to sweep up the floor of the Reverse Edge. There had been a slight accident when and member of the Guard had come in, collecting a rather large order. A couple of the boxes had fallen over, knocked into a display case, and shattered the glass. After the situation had been cleared up a bit, Jess had asked Chris to help the Guard with the delivery, and had asked Diane to sweep up the pieces of glass while she went out and looked for a new glass panel to put in the case. During all this time, Frank had been in the Research and Development room working on a new idea of his. Diane rubbed her eyes, her tail waving sleepily. PE class had really worn her out that day, and she was in no mood to do something like sweep up a shattered mess of glass. It was then that the woren's ears flicked lightly and she heard the sounds of Frank mumbling to himself as the teen stepped out of the R&D room. Apparently Frank had been rather oblivious to the little mess that had happened in the store, because currently he was looking around for where Jess had run off to and was questioning the noise that he had heard earlier. Diane was about to answer his questions when suddenly an idea came to her mind. She glanced at the broom she was leaning up against and then over to Frank."Diane? Have you seen Jess? I've got something I wan't to show her."
"Huh?" The woren's ear batted lightly. "Oh, yea, right, Jess. She stepped out a while ago Frank, lookin' fer a new glass panel."
"Glass panel? Oh no... that wouldn't have anything to do with that loud crash I had heard earlier, would it?"
Diane gave a little smirk, her tail flicking lightly as she sized up the Persona User. "Yea, it would. Man, some guard came in ta collect an order of weapons, an' tha order had been kinda big so-"
"Wait..." Frank stopped the woren in mid sentence. "Sorry to interrupt. Did you say a guard as in a Windian Royal Guard?"
"Uh..." Diane scratched her head lightly. "Well, what other kind is there? Yea Windian Royal... ah, I know what yer thinkin'." She shook her head. "Nah, it wasn' Brandon. Guess he's not back yet, pretty sure Lucy woulda said somethin' if he was. Anyway, so there was a big order, and tha idiot thought he could handle it himself. Well, of course he couldn't, and one of tha boxes fell inta a display case. Chris is out helpin' deliver tha order now, an' Jess went to find a new glass panel."
"Shattered display case? Well, I guess that shouldn't cost too much. It could have been worse."
"Yea." Diane nodded in agreement. "It could have. Say, Frank?" The woren's tail began to wave slightly and suddenly Diane Brandshire's voice took on an amazing transformation. With seemingly no effort at all, suddenly Diane's voice become a sweet, innocent voice, slowly echoing a tone of helplessness to it. The woren's face also took on a slight transformation as her ears fell just slightly and her eyes took on a large and sweet appearance. Looking up at Frank with her large green eyes, she fluttered her eyelashes a moment before continuing her question. "Frank...?" She asked in a voice so sweet it would give someone cavities.
"Um..." As soon as he had heard the tone edging into her voice, the Persona User had gone rigid. It was an only slightly known fact that Frank's big weakness was when a girl that he knew started acting cute and helpless around him, and right now Diane was going for the full blown affect. Frank could only stare helplessly at the woren as she began to mold him into Persona-User-putty, mesmorized by her slightly waving tail and throaty purr. If one were able to tap into the train of thought of the teen, they might find something along the lines of this:
Kawaii Diane... must... obey...
The woren stepped up to the Persona User, batting her eyelashes again and looking up at him with a face that would make cotton candy seem sour in comparison. It was just that sweet. "Frank... I dun suppose ya could do a little favor fer me? I mean... if yer not busy..." The woren puncuated her sentence with another deep purr, her tail waving like a metronome as the woren's overall cuteness hypnotized her helpless prey.
Must... obey... "Ah.. er... um... uh... ah.... eh..." was all the Persona User managed to get out as his face began to turn a deep shade of scarlet. Diane looked up at him with the sweetest expression imaginable.
"I've been so tired lately..." she let out a labored sigh, then flashed an adorable pouty face at Frank. "An' all I wanna do is rest mah feet fer a bit in tha back room. But... Jess needs someone ta sweep up tha mess."
Must... obey... "Ah... er.. um... ah... um..." Frank's complexion turned even redder as the woren worked her magic on him. With another sigh, followed by a deep purr, Diane stared up at him with her vivid green eyes.
"I dun suppose a big, strong guy like ya could help li'l ol' me? I mean... I'm jus' so tired... I dun suppose ya could help out a bit an' sweep up fer me while I jus' rest mah feet a minute?"
Must... sweep... "Ah.. er.. um..." The Persona User stared helplessly at Diane a moment longer before taking the broom from her and began to sweep up the bits and pieces of glass. Diane let out another purr before sneaking off to the R&D room to sit down. With a stretch, she chuckled to herself, her tail waving with amusement.
"Man Alex, fergit yer weretiger transfermation. My werekitten seems ta work like a charm." The woren grinned and let out another purr as she sat down and rested herself, glad to finally have a moment off her feet.