"So how was your time at the park?" Ray glanced up from his text book as Jason walked into the house. The windian shrugged."Tried to get some sleep. Couldn't. Was whistling and then some chick came up and kissed me."
Ray did a double-take as he looked from his math homework to the windian who just entered the house. "Wait, what?"
Jason rolled his eyes. "I was laying on the bench whistling when some chick just came up and kissed me! One of Frank's fucking... whattya call them, Persona? Shit, I think she had a tail..." Jason waved his finger around, immitating Remy's tail waving. "It looked like a devil tail, and she had wings too. Shit, and then she just came out of nowhere and fucking kissed me!"
"And you have a problem with this?" Kristeen peeked out from where she was currently drying off a plate in the kitchen. Jason rolled his eyes at her.
"Yes, I do in fact have a fucking problem with chicks coming out of nowhere and just kissing me when I don't fucking expect it!"
"So what, you're saying she wasn't attractive?" Kristeen raised an eyebrow curiously at the windian. Ray glanced over at his guardian.
"Um, Kristeen..."
"Now wait a minute," Kristeen placed a hand on her hip, "I'm just trying to figure out what guy has a problem with girls coming up and kissing him for no reason. So what, she wasn't cute enough for you?"
By now Jason was actually beginning to blush a bit. "Um, no... that's not it... fuck!" He shook his head. "Look, I just don't like having chicks come from nowhere and suddenly thinking they can just hang all over me, alright?" The windian then turned a defensive glare to Kristeen. "How would you like it if you walked down the street and every guy was making cat calls at you?" Kristeen leaned up against the door frame to the kitchen for a moment, considering the scenario with a smirk. Jason just shook his head and tried again. "Fuck, alright, lemme rephrase that. How would you like it if you're just minding your own business and suddenly from out of nowhere this guy pops up and starts putting the moves on you like he's Mr. Smooth?"
"Alright..." Kristeen shrugged her shoulder. "I'll admit that does get kind of annoying."
"Yea, now imagine that you're laying on your back on a bench in the park, just minding your own fucking business and suddenly some chick shows up, startles the shit out of you with a kiss, and then starts acting like she's got the ability to turn your brain into putty just because she wants to." Jason was rubbing his thumb over his fingertips in annoyance. Kristeen just chuckled at him.
"I'll admit this, you're the first guy I've ever heard to complain about that." Kristeen chuckled again and headed back into the kitchen to finish up the dishes. Ray looked at Jason as the windian plopped down on the couch.
"She's right you know, I've never heard a guy make such a big deal over it. I mean, I'll admit I'd probably die from embarassement, but you just seem really angry about it..."
"Yea, well, after you've fucking had to deal with Candice Raster like I've had to fucking deal with her, you just can't look at chicks like that the same way anymore." Jason muttered and sprawled out along the couch. Ray just watched him for a moment, shrugged, and then went back to his math.
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