Meet me after school in usual spot. Get Brandon to come too if you can.
Janet glanced over her handiwork again. Short. To the point. Done. She thought as she slid the paper into her binder and glanced at the notes she was supposed to be taking. Her lecturer, Mrs. Wireman, a sophisticated and humorless rabbit-clanswoman, was pacing about the front of the classroom, rambling off in one of her 'famous lectures' about dominant and recessive genes theory. Janet glanced down at the few scattered notes she had scribbled down every time she thought Mrs. Wireman had been looking her way. The brown-haired windian sighed as she began to doodle a quick diagram of the chart her teacher had begun to sketch up on the blackboard that was supposed to show ratios in how the genes acted, muttering as she did. "Stupidity gene versus intelligence gene in high school science teachers..."
"Ms. Meyers." Janet glanced up at the rabbit-clanswoman that was now glancing over her shoulder at the muttering student. "Is there something you'd like to tell the class or are you just trying to start up a bit of conversation with that empty sheet of paper?" Mrs. Wireman's ears twitched as she studied Janet, her face wiped of all amusement and looking rather bored as she waited for her student's reply.
"Just repeating it to myself as I'm writing it, ma'am." Janet sat up, folding her hands casually on her desk. "Studies have shown that most material is more likely to be remembered if spoken while being written." Janet was working on chewing her tongue to keep any unnecessary comments from slipping out. Keeping her mouth shut in class was something she needed to work on, especially in Mrs. Wireman's class. One wrong word and I'm at the deans. She reminded herself.
Mrs. Wireman's expression didn't change as she studied Janet carefully. "Well Ms. Meyers, I'm sure the rest of the class has truly gained something from that little bit of knowledge." Janet heard a few snickers echo in the classroom as the clanswoman turned back to the board and continued with her lecturing right where she left off.
For someone who's not so funny, she sure gets a lot of laughs. Janet thought sourly as she busied herself once more with her note taking. It wasn't more then a few seconds later that her mind wandered away from the droning lecture and back to the little piece of paper that she had slid into her binder. She reached for it, pulling it out and glancing over it once again.
After school... Could she really wait that long? Glancing up at the clock on the wall just above the teachers desk, she was really beginning to doubt that she could. But there's no other time to. Lunch I've got detention for Mr. Jamerson and I've already gotten Justin his note and asked him to pass it on to Jason and Chad... and Jason will end up telling Candice who's got 4th period with David so it's really a little late to change plans. Janet slid the note away and glanced up at the clock again. Five minutes before first period was over. Thank god. Janet thought as she began shuffling a few of her supplies away.
"Alright class," Mrs. Wireman adjusted her glasses carefully as she organized a few of her papers. "That's it for today. For tonight I'd like you to read chapters 17 and 19 in your books..." The class was a chorus of groans. "...And," the rabbit clanswoman glanced up over the frame of her glasses while eyeing a few of the complainers, "I'd like a two page report on today's notes." She glanced casually over at Janet. "I'm sure you'll have no trouble with that, will you Ms. Meyers?"
For a brief second Janet forgot to watch her mouth and was rather close to uttering a phrase that would have landed her in detention for sure if it weren't for the dismissal bell ringing.
"Finally! Out of that stupid class!" Janet muttered a word of thanks as she darted through the crowded hallways and sliding past the lockers that lined them, the folded note held firmly in her hand. She made her way towards a specific locker, stopping in front of it just long enough to slip the note inside it and walk away again, making her way through the sea of students and over to her next class.
The raven-haired windian pulled open her locker door, glancing down curiously at the little white slip of paper that fluttered out to great her, landing just at her feet. Crouching down to lift it back off the floor, she unfolded it carefully. "What's this?" She mused, standing back up as she glanced over the small note, reading it carefully. "After school huh? And bring Brandon... where is he anyway?" Lucy let out a bored sigh as she glanced down the empty halls. "He's usually not this late... " She turned back to her locker and began to pull out the supplies she'd be needing. As she turned to head off to her next class, she felt a pair of hands casually snatch away her books. Turning, her caught sight of the silent form of her brother standing behind her, holding her books, as well as his, comfortably in his arms.
"I was wondering where you were. Janet wants us to meet her today after school at our bench again." Lucy held up the note in her hand. "It must be something that's just come up, because normally she gives us more warning then this." Lucy sighed as she turned and headed towards her next classroom, Brandon following behind her quietly, his black wings folded lightly against the back of his school uniform as to keep them from getting in his way. Like her brother, Lucy had a pair of dark wings that blended nicely with the color of her hair. She too kept them folded closely to her back, draping her long, raven colored hair over them as a way of hiding them from onlookers. Lucy seemed to take extra precautions in securing a type of secrecy about her wings. Very few people, other then her family, Janet, and their small group of friends, even knew that Lucy had them. As odd as that may seem, for most Windians now a pair of wings like Lucy's would have been a grand thing to have. After so many years of dilution in the Windian blood, wings even the size of hers, long and slender as they were, would have struck most Windians with envy. But it wasn't for that reason why Lucy hid them, she had her own personal reasons.
"Thank you, Brandon." She sighed to herself as she took her books from her brother and slipped into her classroom, her escort making his way quickly to his next class.