"Hey, thanks Kate!" Alex walked over and patted the woren girl on the shoulder as she and Tellka set down the ropes that they had been pulling to drag the prop ship along. "You too, Tellka!" Alex nodded to the other woren, his tail waving lightly. Tellka just grumbled as she stalked off behind the set."You had me playing the rear end of a horse!" Candice shouted angrily at Alex as the woren stepped off the stage to go check on the rest of his cast. Cynthia chuckled as she removed the outfit of the horse head she had been wearing.
"I think it fits you." She flashed the windian a toothy grin, her tail wagging. Candice turned to the wolf with a scowl and Alex coughed lightly in hope to break the fight up before it started.
"Come on, Candi. Like anyone is going to know it's you..."
Candice tossed her costume aside with a growl as she paced away to find Jason. Burnhart was still dressed in her Humperdinck outfit when she stepped up to him.
"You did really good up there." She flashed Jason a smile before pushing herself up against him, rubbing her fingers across the shirt that he was wearing for his costume. "And you look really good in this."
"Oh please." With a roll of his eyes he pushed Candice away. "I had two lines and this stupid outfit makes me look like pansey."
"You've got that right." Nate called over from where he was currently putting together his own outfit.
"Hey, shut up Persona User before I order you to go beat your head against something!"
"I'd like to see you try!" Nate paced up to the windian and a look of fire passed between the two. Alex approached the teens, doing his best to divert yet another fight from breaking out.
"Say, Nate! Would you like to come see where I get all of my stage and props from?" Alex's tail waved hopefully.
"Huh?" Nate glanced over at Alex with a look of annoyance. "Yea sure... I guess." He shot a glare back at Jason. "You're lucky this time, you wingless little chicken."
"WHAT?!?!? WHY I OUGHTTA-" Alex managed to drag Nate away as Brandon and Justin worked to wrestle Jason back, the windian's hand glowing a bright red from the magical energy that had appeared in his fury. Alex wiped his brow and let out a sigh of relief.
Got out just in time. The woren's tail waved as he turned to the rest of the cast. "Alright, Frank, Chad, David! You all did great! Keep it up for the next scene and we'll be okay!" He then led Nate off behind the scenes to show the Persona User just where the heck all of his props and stage setups were coming from.