Scene 2The lights of the auditorium slowly fade on, revealing that the stage has now been set up to look like a balcony. Out in the audience of the room, the main walkway heading towards the stage has been adorned with a red carpet, and the cast, except for Alex, Jason, and Lucy are standing around the aisle, dressed up like a large crowd. Alex's voice can be heard narrating although he is still nowhere to be seen.
Alex: Five years later the main square of Florin City was filled as never before to hear the announcement of the Great Prince Humperdinck's bride to be.
Jason, casted as the part of Prince Humperdinck, he steps into the stage from behind a curtain in the back and walks up to the front of the balcony setup.
Jason -Prince Humerdinck-: *the sound of trumpets blaring fanfare can be heard echoing over the speakers as Jason approaches the front of the balcony stage* My people! A month from now, our country will have its 500th Anniversary. On that sundown I shall marry a lady who was once a commoner like yourselves. But perhaps you will not find her common now. Would you like to meet her?!
All of the actors currently working as the crowd: *calling out together* Yes!!!
Jason: My people, the Princess Buttercup!
More trumpeting fanfare can be heard and the lights change to focus out into the audience where Lucy is now walking down the red carpet to meet the crowd around her. As she approaches them, one by one the members of the crowd kneel before her, until she is standing surrounded by the kneeling group of people, gazed at them with sad and uncaring eyes.
Alex: Buttercup's emptiness consumed her. Although the law of the land gave Humperdinck the right to choose his bride, she did not love him. Despite Humperdinck's reassurance that she would grow to love him, the only joy she found was in her daily ride.
The lights go out and when they come back on the stage has been changed with a backdrop to make it appear that Lucy is out walking in the woods. Two random actors, dressed up in a horse outfit are being led behind her.
(Nate- Alex? How the heck have you been getting all of this stuff set up so quickly? And where did that horse outfit come from?
Alex- SHH! Will you just watch the play and stop questioning me? *sweatdrop*) On center stage right (that would be the left side of the stage if your looking at it from the audience for those of you who aren't familiar with um... directions for actors ~blink~) Frank, Chad and David enter, standing shoulder to shoulder to form a type of block in front of Lucy, Frank standing in the middle, David to his left and Chad to his right.
Chad has been cast as the leader of this trio, Vizzini. Next to him Frank has been cast as the sword-wielding Romerian Inigo. David has been cast as the part of the giant Fezzik.
Chad -Vizzini-: *halting Lucy* A word my lady? ...We are but poor lost circus performers. Is there a village nearby?
Lucy: There is nothing nearby. Not for miles.
Chad: *sly smile* Then there will be no one to hear you scream...
Lucy's eyes go wide and David quickly grabs the princess by the neck, rendering her unconscious. The lights go out and the scene changes once more, as now the stage is set up to resemble that of a small sailing ship. Lucy has been tied and sits unmoving in the corner of the ship. Chad and Frank are standing around the horse that Lucy had been pulling along with her, Chad is working with some sort of fabric as Frank approches.
Frank -Inigo Montoya-: What is that you're ripping?
Chad: It's fabric from the uniform of an army officer of Guilder!
David -Fezzik-: *glancing up from his spot on the ship* Who is Guilder?
Chad: The country across the sea! The sworn enemy of Florin!
Chad attaches the cloth to Lucy's horse and shoos the beast away.
Chad: Go!!! Once the horse reaches the castle, the fabric will make the prince suspect that the Guilderians have abducted his love. When he finds her body dead on the Guilder frontier his suspicions will be totally confirmed. *chuckles*
David: You never said anything about killing anyone?!
Chad: *angrily* I hired you to help me start a war. It's a prestigious line of work with a long and glorious tradition!
David: I just don't think it's right...killing an innocent girl.
Chad: Am I going mad, or did the word 'think' escape your lips?!! *steping up onto the ship to approach David with a scowl* You were not hired for your brains you hippo-britanic land mass!!
Frank: *interrupting* I agree with Fezzik.
Chad: Oh, the sod has spoken! *throws his hands up in the air* What happens to her is not truly your concern. I will kill her! And remember this, never forget this; *stalks up to Frank, getting into his face as he starts to yell* When I found you, you were so slobbering drunk, you couldn't buy brandy!!! *Turning to David* And you! *with each word he speaks he takes another step closer to David* Friendless, brainless, helpless, hopeless!! Do you want me to send you to where you were? Unemployed, in Junk Town?!
Chad walks away, angered, and begins to untie the rope holding the ship at dock.
Frank: *shakes his head as he watches Chad pace away and turns to David* Vizzini, he can...fuss.
David: Fuss, fuss, *a thoughtful look passes over David's face and he turns to Frank* I think he likes to scream at us.
Frank: Probably he means no...harm.
David: He's very very short on...charm. *grins*
Frank: *shakes his head and chuckles quietly* You have a great gift for rhyme.
David: *nodding* Yes, yes, some of the time.
Chad: *overhearing David* Enough of that!
Frank: *calling out louder to spite Chad as the ship begins to drift across the stage, pulled by unseen ropes* Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?
David: If there are, we all be dead.
Chad: No more rhymes now, I mean it!
David: Anybody want a peanut?
Chad: Aauuuggghhhhh!!!!!!