"Hey Ray?" The young dragon's voice broke into the thoughts of her older brother as he lay stretched out on the rim around the base of the angel fountain in Windian Park. Ray opened his eyes, the comfortably tired feeling that had grown in him complaining quietly as the dragon forced himself awake enough to reply to his sister."Yea Brat?"
"We were talking about wishes today in school." The dragon stated matter-o'-factly as she skipped around the large fountain, talking to her brother. "There was one girl at school who wanted a million zenny, and a guy who wanted his puppy to get better. One kid said he didn't know what to wish for, and the teacher told him that everyone has wishes sometimes. Then someone asked what she wished for, and she said something about overtime pay?" Britney paused and turned to her brother curiously. "What's that?"
"Nothing." Ray chuckled. "You're teacher's an interesting woman. So what'd you wish for?"
"I wished that those people would stop hitting you."
Ray sat up and gave his sister a curious look. "You said that in school?"
Britney shook her head. "Teacher never called on me. She didn't ask everyone, only a few people, but she said we could write all of our wishes down and maybe they would come true."
"Britney..." Ray gave his sister a half grin. "Don't waste a wish like that. You should be wishing for more important things."
The little dragon turned and gave her sister a sad look. "But Ray... that is important."
Ray sighed as he stood up and stretched before sitting back down on the fountain and leaning forward to smile at his sister softly. "Brat, come here." Britney walked up to him and he patted her lightly on the head, causing her blue pigtails to bob a little. "You don't need to worry about me, I'm just fine."
"But Ray," the little girl pouted quietly, "they hurt you!"
"No they don't." Ray smiled down at her. "Anyway, you don't need to worry about them."
Britney paced away from her brother for a moment, staring at the ground before she skipped back to her brother. "Hey Ray?"
"What would you wish for?"
"What would I wish for?" Ray scratched the back of his head curiously.
"Yea!" Britney nodded, her pigtails bouncing. "What would you wish for?"
Ray thought for a moment before chuckling. "I'd wish my name was Ryu instead of Ray."
Britney gave her brother a puzzled look. "Why?"
The dragon shrugged. "For a girl named Nina."
"But..." Britney wrinkled her nose in wonder. "Why would you change for name for a girl?"
Ray shrugged again. "I dunno, I guess names make a difference."
"You know what I think?" Britney's voiced was filled with innocent wonder.
"What do you think, Brat?"
"I think Lucy's nice."
Ray was taken completely off guard by his sister's comment, and he gave her a confused look. "What?"
Britney nodded frankly. "I think Lucy's nice. And I think she'd think you're silly if you changed your name because of some girl. Don't you think Lucy's nice?"
"I do..." he grinned down at his little sister. You have no idea though... I told her one day I'd be her Ryu so she could be Nina...
"Then why do you want to change your name for some girl named Nina? I think Lucy thinks your nice."
"Um..." Ray scratched his head again as his stared down at his sister. "Brat?"
"Yea?" Britney stared up at her brother in wonder with her big green eyes.
"Go chase a dragonfly or something, but don't go too far." Ray chuckled as he layed back down on the fountain's edge. "I'm just going to take a quick nap."
"Okay." Britney shrugged and giggled as she skipped off in search of one of the pretty little bugs her brother had mentioned.
Ray had his eyes closed as he listened to his sister running around, giggling happily to herself. He thought about what she had said and his mind wandered curiously. What possesses a child to say things like that anyway? The dragon's mind continued to wander, and eventually it ended up, as it always did, thinking about a girl named Nina and a girl named Lucy. Why is she so different now?Ray never knew what had happened to Nina when she had vanished from the castle. All he knew was that a few years later he had found her again as Lucy at Windian High. What had troubled the dragon most about her was how much she had changed. Lucy was quite the opposite of Nina, and it had startled the dragon when he realized it. But something about her seems the same, I'm just not sure what. The dragon barely let out an audiable sigh as he thought tiredly to himself. He wanted to keep his promist to Nina... to Lucy... to whoever he had promised. Ray cared for her, whoever she was. He knew that, but he was pretty sure that she didn't. After a while the dragon's thoughts wandered off track all together and the blue-haired teen succumbed to the sleepy warmth of the day.
"We moved too fast to find our way
Past the scenery by to fill the empty space
To find we don't know where we're going
Have we come too far to turn around?
Oh my love, has time turned on
What she once adored she adorns no more.
Forsaken months are said and done
We lived the moment but it didn't last for long
But as we go our seperates ways I say
'I hope some day to meet again.'
Why'd it have to happen?
I turned around to the sound of departing footsteps.
Were you dancing a minuet of immunity?
Then, I'm jealous that the ground touched your feet.
Or, did you hesitate and turn yourself back to me?
I'm still on my knees; incomplete.
Because there's something you taught me,
'Sometimes the sun is cloaked by clouds,
That doesn't mean that it's not out.
Remember, embrace love
So when the clouds will shroud around us
You will know where I will be.'
But I've lost your sunshine
It's hidden everywhere between here and there
If parting brings us closer
We'll never part again
Goodbye brings me sorrow,
But we're shipwrecked and drifting seperate ways.
Meet me at the lighthouse,
The only place where the two of us can embrace.
It may take many days,
But there we will be safe
From all those storms that I'm too weak to brave.
So don't drown in the darkness around you,
Follow the corona it's glowing in full view,
And I'll be waiting there for you...
Patiently anticipating the arrival of you.
Cause there's something you taught me,
'Sometimes the sun is covered by clouds,
That doesn't mean that it's not out.
Remember, embrace love
Cause now the clouds have shrouded around us,
The lightouse is where I will be.'
Have we come to far to turn around,
Have we come to far to turn?"