"He's at it again." David motioned as he and Chad made their way through Windian Park. The two had left to go meet Jason there, he had said he was going to show up after Archery club."That poor tree." Chad sighed and shook his head as he and David approached the red-haired windian who was currently punching the crap out of a nearby tree. Actually, Jason didn't seem to be doing any damage to the tree. His hand, however, was in a horrible condition. Every so often the windian would pause and heal himself before going back to punching the plant-life.
"He must not be hitting it very hard." David cracked his knuckles idly. "He's healing after ever couple of punches, instead of directly after each one. It must not be too bad." It was easy to measure how annoyed Jason was at something. When the windian went to punch a tree, if he could go up to five punches without having to pause and heal himself, he was just having a bad day. If he was hitting so hard that he could only stand two, maybe three, then something was really bothering him. However, if he was so annoyed that he was swinging so hard that his fist broke everytime he collided and the windian had to heal after every single punch, that generally meant he was about ready to kill someone because of the misfortune that had just happened to him. Jason only seemed to be moderatly peeved about something as Chad and David stepped up to him.
"Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!" Jason threw a punch for every word before healing himself. David whistled and looked his friend over.
"Um... so how was practice?"
"It wasn't!" Jason snarled as he rubbed his hand. "I fucking got detention in my social science class. SOCIAL FUCKING SCIENCE!! How the FUCK does that happen?"
"So because of detention you couldn't go to practice... right?" David's hypothesis was proven correct by a string of growling mutterings from Jason as he turned to continue punching the tree. However, he was stopped by a brown-winged windian who had placed himself between his friend and the plant.
"Chad, move." Jason glared at the windian, his hands still balled up into fists. His right hand held the red flickering of magical energy that built up with Jason's aggression, and Jason was holding his friend in a death glare, threatening to punch him if he didn't move out of the way.
"Dude... the tree has had enough damage inflicted to it!" Chad put his hands up in defense of himself and the tree. "C'mon, it's just a plant!"
"Yes! It's just a fucking plant! That's why I punch it, because it's a fucking plant that no one gives a shit about!"
"I give a shit about it." Chad flashed Jason a set of puppy-dog eyes. "C'mon Jason, you don't have to kill a tree just because you've had a bad day."
"Would you rather me kill the obsticle standing infront of the tree then?" Jason leaned foward, still glaring at Chad.
"Uh..." The windian fidgited uneasily. Jason's threats were never ones to be taken lightly. "Dude... you wouldn't hit a guy who's cowaring like a wuss, would you?" With that, Chad shrank back against the tree and put his arms up, whimpering pitifully. Jason rolled his eyes.
"This is the fucking reason why you're in drama, isn't it? So you can fucking make scenes like this!"
In an instant Chad reverted from pathetic to his normal self as he stroked his goattee lightly. "Well, I guess that's one of the reason. Another one would be because I really really really like having a crowd of people worshipping me while I do something I enjoy." The windian flashed a grin. It was about that instant that David put a hand on Jason's shoulder and the windian's fists slowly loosened as Jason considered his two friends.
"Fuck, Chad, what is it with you and the trees?"
"Well, somebody's gotta stand up for the poor trees with people like you always running around beating on them everytime something goes wrong." Chad put his ear up to the trunk of the tree and made a face as if he was listening to something. "What's that? Did he hurt your feelings? Aw, don't worry." The windian began to stroke the tree trunk lovingly. "It's nothing personal. Jason just has an anger management problem, he's always redirecting his aggresion to those who don't deserve it."
Jason rolled his eyes at the whole scene. "Chad, you're a spaz."
"Hey, you would be too if you had to spend four periods of your day with Stro as a teacher." David chuckled and Chad turned to his two friends, still petting the tree.
"Hey now, there's nothing wrong with Stro! Just because he's like... the weirdest teacher in the school, well, that's only because he's the drama teacher!"
"And you know what they say about actors." David chuckled and nudged Jason who was also currently grinning.
"No man, it's not what they say about actors, it's what they say about the Green Room." Jason laughed. "Chad, man, how many hours of your school day do you spend in that room?"
"Now wait a second!" Chad's sudden defensive tone just caused Jason and David to start laughing even harder as the brown-winged windian twitched his wings uneasily.
"Dude!" David was holding his stomach as he laughed. "You know you're already one of those people who's names are on the list of 'One time in the Green Room...'"
"Yea," Jason added in. "Only it's not just 'one time.' I think his name has appeared on the list atleast eight times already!"
By now Chad was beginning to turn a reddish color. His denial tactics went from defensive to a bit more personal as he considered how to get his friends back for their jokes. "Well of course it's atleast eight times. You know I can't take you both in the Green Room at the same time."
Immediatly David and Jason stopped laughing and they both turned to Chad who now had a huge grin on his face. The two then exchanged glances and both began to casually rub the back of their necks.
"Weeeeeellll....." Jason tapped his foot. "Alright, let's just forget about this whole Green Room thing, huh?"
But of course, Chad wasn't finished yet. He continued to grin at Jason as he waved a finger at his friend. "Aw c'mon now. You're just becoming jealous now that you know those other five times I've been to the Green Rom was with David..."
David coughed loudly and chuckled. "Hey man, don't feel bad just because he favors me. I mean, what can I say?"
"Do you two realize how bad that sounds if someone were to just come walking up in the middle of our conversation?" Jason raised his eyebrows at the other two windians, and immediatly David and Chad glanced around the park looking for anyone who might have heard them.
"Ah, well, of course we're just joking." David coughed loudly.
"Yes yes, no seriousness intented about this whole Green Room talk..."
"Of course." Jason was chuckling again as he stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets and smirked at his two friends. "Besides, Chad, everyone knows that all this Green Room talk is just a cover up for your conspiracy with the tree people anyway."
"Of course it is!" Chad nodded and leaned up against the tree he was still standing by. "Which is exactly why I cannot allow you to continue to punch this defenseless tree."
Jason was about to say something in reply when David interrupted him. "Hey, come on you two, isn't the rest of the group heading up to the beach again?"
"Oh yea." Chad stroked his goattee. "Almost forgot, guess we'd better go find them." With that, the trio headed off down one of the paths into the park to find the rest of their WINGS group.