The Windian Trio was clustered together in the recreational room in Chad's house. Chad Wingston had a large house. It wasn't as large say one Janet Meyer's house, but the trio agreed that compared to some other houses they had seen in Windia, it could be considered a large house. Actually, for Upper Windia, it was only a moderate sized house, but that was going by the standards set in Upper Windia. Compared to the living quarters and buildings in the other sections of Windia, even the smallest estate in Upper Windia could be considered a mansion. So, in a way, Chad had a kind of medium sized house, but still a rather large house depending on your standards.The Wingston's house could be considered three stories if you counted the basement. On the top story was located the two main bedrooms, as well as three guest bedrooms and two bathrooms, not counting the one that was attached the master bedroom. The second story of the house consisted of the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, the main closet of the house, and the study. Finally, the basement was seperated into the laundry and utility room, an old guest room that had been turned into a storage room, and the rec. room which the Windian Trio was currently occupying.
The rec. room had green carpeting, and it's walls were covered in a type of spackle and white wash that had been dulled and greyed over years of dust and dirt collecting on it. Lighting in the rec. room came from sparse lamps that hung down from the ceiling, threatening to collide with anyone much taller then six feet who would dare to tread around in the basement. On the western wall of the room there was a large, old cabinet, caked in a layer of dust, and full of old and empty bottles of assorted drinks and alcohols. There was an off-white couch, broken in the middle so that if anyone sat down on the center cushion they would fall straight through the couch and wind up on the floor. Jason was currently sprawled out along that couch.
There was also a punctured bean bag that had been soddily held together with tape that was slowly giving away, causing slight leakage of the little beans that filled the bag any time someone sat down on it. David was currently laying across that bag.
There was also an old pool table, it's surface torn and scratched from years of rough usage. Half of the pool balls were scattered around random parts of the room, having yet to be retrieved and returned to their places in the pockets of the table. Chad was currently on that table, staring up at the ceiling as he lay on his back, his arms folded behind his head.
"Dude..." As his friends looked over at him, Jason turned his gaze to Chad on the pool table. "You have the coolest basement..."
"Yea, mine's all covered in boxes and crap, and it's not as big as this one." David stretched, his movement causing a few more of the beans to spill out from the patched up bag. Chad shrugged his shoulders.
"No one really comes down here anymore 'cept us anyway. So hey," the windian rolled over onto his stomach, his wings flexing a bit as he looked at his companions. "Whatcha guys wanna do?"
Jason rubbed his forehead. "How about we set something on fire?"
"You are such a pyro." David grinned over at the red-haired windian. Jason just rolled his eyes.
"I am not."
"Hey! Did you guys know that there was like, this old woren warrior who like, had this really really bright red fur, like fire... and it was said that the guy could like, summon up flames to do his bidding or something like that." Chad's wings were opening and closing as the windian grinned at his two friends. Jason and David just exchanged glances before turning to him.
"Where the fuck did you hear that?" Jason gave Chad a confused look. The brown-winged windian just shrugged.
"This fiction book over at the library. It's cool. It's called like.... 'Great Heroes of the Legends,' or something like that. It's this book about all these guys that like, have these weirdo powers... like they can talk to animals, or predict the future, or something really cool. There was a Highlander dude who like, moved so fast that it was impossible to track his movements when he was fighting you. He was called like, the Wind Warrior or something. And then there was this one dude who wasn't effected by electricity, and this other guy-"
"Chad..." Jason yawned. "That's really interesting, really, but what are we going to do?"
"Uh..." Chad's wings continued to twitch as the windian stroked his goattee lightly. "I dunno? But don't you like, think that would be so cool if we could do stuff like that? Like, have weird powers that no one else has?"
"Yea?" David sat up, now interested in Chad's musings. "Like what?"
"I dunno... like..." Chad smirked and then turned to look at Jason. "Like, you could be Flame Boy. Everything you touch just kinda bursts into flames or something." The windian then laughed as Jason rolled his eyes.
"I could be Earthquake Man!" David grinned. "I make the world rumble with my mighty belches!" With that, David let forth a loud belch and the three started laughing. David jumped up from his seat with a grunt and turned to Jason, holding his hand out and speaking in a loud and mighty voice. "You! Flame Boy! I challenge you!"
"You're gonna get your ass kicked!" Jason jumped up, grinning as he stepped up to meet David's challange. "You shall fall under my touch of fire!" With that, the red-haired windian lunged for David, who jumped out of the way as Jason landed on the bean bag. "FWOOM! And the bag goes up in flames!" He then hopped up and turned to face David again.
"Oh yea? Will I shall make the ground tremble beneath your feet!" David paused for a moment and then let lose with a loud belch. Jason gave and shout and fell backwards.
"NOOO! I am powerless when you control the ground like this! There, I shall make myself into... No Need For Walking On The Ground Man!" Jason jumped up again and flexed his arms. "Bwah ha! You're earthquake attacks cannot stop me now!" Once again he lunged at David and this time the two began to wrestle. Jason managed himself onto David's back, wrapping his arms around the windian's neck before exclaiming loudly, "I am 'Spot On Your Back That You Cannot Reach Man!'"
"Oh yea?" David was laughing as he struggled with Jason. "Well I am 'Flips Everybody Over My Head Man!'" And with that he jerked forward quickly, sending Jason flying over top of him with a startled yelp. The red-haired windian landed on his back with a groan and started up at David who was standing over him.
"Hey... no fair..." Jason sat up and rubbed the back of his head. "You're a wrestler."
"Actually, I'm 'Windian High Wrestler Man!'" David announced his new name with fanfare and began to parade around the room, attempting to wrestle every piece of furniture he could get a hold of. "Blast it! My arch nemises, the coffee table! I just can't seem to pin it!"
Chad was laughing as he watched David struggling to pin the coffee table under his weight. He didn't notice that Jason was sneaking up behind him as he sat on top of the pool table.
"I am 'Tackles Everybody From Behind Man!'" With that, Jason lunged onto the table and Chad gave a startled cry as he turned in time to counter Jason's tackle. As Jason attempted to get a better hold of Chad, the brown-winged windian managed to get his arm around his friends neck and began to rub his fist roughly through the windian's hair.
"Oh yea? Well I am 'Gives Everybody Nugies Boy!'"
"ACK!" Jason attempted to struggle out of Chad's headlock but both of them were startled as suddenly David jumped onto the table.
"Meet 'Rolls Random People Off Of Different Surfaces Man!'" and with that, he went about to work with rolling his friends off the pool table. Chad and Jason were both knocked to the ground with an 'oof' before David leapt off the table after them.
"I am 'Run And Hide Boy!' My powers of cameflouge will make me appear to go invisable before your very eyes!" With that, Chad jumped up and raced over to where a lampshade was sitting near the wall. He picked it up, placed it on top of his head and stood very straight. Jason and David exchanged bewildered glances.
"David! Where did Chad go?"
"I don't know, but have you ever noticed that lamp over there in the corner?!" The trio once again began to laugh loudly as they continued their little game.
"I am 'Does Everything Backwards Man!'" David then took Jason and began to perform what it would look like if he had been beating the windian up in reverse. It started with Jason laying on the floor, to David pulling him up to a standing position and Jason moving about wobbly and weakly as David then began to throw reverse punches, and with every hit Jason's form seemed to be getting stronger and stronger until it was Jason pretending to beat on David. "Whoa!" David put his hands up in defense. "How did that happen?"
"I am 'Windian With A Lampshade On My Head!'" Chad raced up and immediatly began head-butting Jason who turned and removed the shade.
"Not anymore you're not!"
"Aw crap...." Chad jumped out of the way to avoid being hit by the lampshade as Jason threw it at him.
"I am 'Steals Everybodies Shoe's Man!'" David then barreled into Jason, knocking him down and immediatly went about removing the windian's shoes and running off to the other side of the room with them.
"Dammit!" Jason laughed as he jumped up and began to race after David. "Get those back here!"
"Hey guys," Chad was watching as Jason and David continued to tear around the room, "don't you think this is getting just a little weird?"
"Not really." David laughed as he ducked under the pool table. Jason immediatly jumped on top of the table and began to pace around, waiting for David to come out.
"Well, let's see here." Chad was grinning as he stroked his goattee. "We've had things like 'does everything backwards man,' 'rolls random people off of different surfaces man,' 'no need for walking on the ground man'..."
"And your point is?" Jason jumped for David as he raced out from under the table.
"Maybe he doesn't have one? Maybe he's 'Speaks Without A Point Man.'" David laughed as he ducked to the side in time to avoid Jason's attack, still clutching the windian's shoes in his arms.
"Actually no, I am not Speaks Without A Point Man, I am his long lost brother! 'Pants Down Man!'" With that, Chad dropped his pants and tackled Jason to the ground. David began laughing so hard that he had to stop running before he tripped over his own two feet, and dropped Jason's shoes as he double over, guffawing loudly.
"What the fuck? Pants Down Man?" Jason was also laughing as he attempted to wipe a few tears from his eyes. "Shit, you are fucked up, you know that Chad?" The brown winged windian simply stood up, pulling his pants back up as he grinned, chuckling to himself. David had given up on trying to stay standing and was now curled up on the floor, laughing. The windian twiddled his thumbs momentarily before turning to his two friends.
"Dude... you two really should take a breath sometime soon..."
"The adventures of Pants Down Man!" David tried to sit up as he slowly began to calm down his laughing. "Stories you never wanted to hear in the first place, but that we'll tell you about anyway."
"Shit..." Jason wiped a few more tears from his and took a few deep breaths before shaking his finger at Chad. "Alright, listen... no one is fucking going to tell anybody that you just dropped your pants and tackled me, alright?"
The three exchanged glances and agreed before they went around attempting to clean up the mess that they had made after tearing up the rec. room.