Janet Meyers was walking through Windian Park when she caught sight of something that immediatly struck worry in her. Just down the path that she was on, clustered around one of the benches was the entire Windian Trio. "Landon," Janet muttered to herself. "It's never a good thing when all three of them are in the same place." The windian groaned and crossed her arms as she made her way down the path and towards the trio, determined to find out what trouble they were up to.Jason was the first to notice Janet approaching. He seemed to have some sort of built in radar, as Chad often mentioned, that allowed Jason to pick up on when a potential target of annoyance was around. Coincedentally, Jason was often the first out of the three to look up any time they were approached by Janet. The red-haired windian simply rolled his eyes and gave an annoyed mutter. "What the fuck do you want, Janet?"
Janet immediatly flashed Jason a challenging look as she stepped up to the small group. "What, suddenly you three are so elite? No one outside of the circle is allowed around you three anymore?" Jason just muttered again as Chad shook his head and spoke up.
"Na na na, it's not that at all." The windian gave an amused shrug and waved his hand at Janet. She just held her challenging look as she turned to him and raised her eyebrows.
"Oh? Then what is it?"
"Um...." Chad paused and looked between Jason and David for a moment before poking a finger at David. "Go ahead, David, tell her what it is."
"It's uh..." David popped his knuckles while thinking. "Um, no girls." The windian gave a nod and looked between his two compainions before turning to Janet and nodding again. "Yea, no girls."
"What the hell?" Janet blinked and looked at the three. David shook his head.
"Right. Girls, ew, disgusting..." The windian stuck his tongue out, then exchanged a grossed out look with Jason. Chad was now nodding in agreement with his friends.
"Exactly. No girls." The windian was biting his lower lip to keep from grinning as Janet rolled her eyes.
"You know, most guys outgrow that whole 'gross girls' thing when they hit like, their teens."
Jason stared at Janet blankly for a moment before shrugging. "And your point is?"
Janet replied as she placed her hands on her hips and flashed a suspicious look between the three guys. "I think it's kind of suspicious. You know... three guys, always hanging out together... really close friends, don't like girls..."
The trio exchanged glances of 'ooooookay....' as the subtle meaning of Janet's words slowly sank into their minds. Chad was the first to reply as he cleared his throat, his brown wings twitching.
"Well guys, she's caught on." The windian stroked his goattee and shook his head at his two friends. "The cat's out of the bag, so I think it's time we just stopped denying it and went public. But, as long as we're sharing this beautiful moment of finally expressing ourselves..." Chad then turned to Jason, "dude, I want you to know now, and I want Janet to be here as a witness..." he then dropped to one knee infront of the red-haired windian and started up at him longingly. "Jason..."
"No, Chad, wait..." Jason put his hands up and his expression turned to that of grief as he shook his head. "There.... there's something I should have told you long ago..." he let out a sigh as he stepped over to David and slipped an arm around the windian's shoulder. "David and I..."
"WHAT??!" Jason didn't have a chance to finish his sentence as Chad jumped up, staring at his two friends in hurt disbelief. "No! I can't belive it! Jason, please! Say it isn't so!" He had his hands clasped together as he gave the windian a begging look. David just laughed loudly and patted Jason roughly on the back before turning to Chad.
"You'd better believe it! What you don't know is that I've been seducing Jason for the past two weeks now!"
"You...." Chad's eyes narrowed dangerously as he turned to glare at David. "You, you bitch!" The brown winged windian then slapped him sharply across the face. David recoiled, rubbing his cheek before clenching his hands into fists.
"Why you..."
"No!" Jason leapt between the two fighting windians. "No! David! I can't let you hurt him!" The red-haired windian then turned to Chad. "Chad... I didn't mean for it to be like this! I swear, I was going to tell you earlier..."
Chad's eyes went wide as he let out an amazed gasp. "Oh Jason, I knew you still cared for me!" He then let out a happy cheer as he threw his arms around the red-haired windian and caught his startled friend up in a passionate stage kiss.
By about this time, Janet's eyes were as wide as dinner plates and she put her hands up, backing away slowly. "Landon! Alright, you three are WAY messed up! Forget this, I'm going to go find Justin..." She then turned and quickly headed away. David was still rubbing his cheek as he watched her go. The wrestler turned to his two friends and chuckled.
"Um... guys, she's gone now. You can stop."
"Huh?" Chad pulled his head up and looked around. "Oh, so she is." He then immediatly let go of Jason who had a dazed and confused look on his face. The red-haired windian simply blinked for a moment before turning to his friend.
Jason just shook his head and jabbed his finger at the brown winged windian. "If you ever fucking do that to me again... I don't care how fucking long we've been friends, I swear I'm fucking going to kill you."
Chad immediatly busted up laughing as Jason then grimaced and spat. "Dude! It was just a stage kiss! My lips didn't even touch you!"
"Shit..." Jason wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve. "Now I've got to go home, gargle, brush my teeth again, sterlize my entire face... Oh, and how about we never talk about this again?"
Chad's grin seemed to fill up his entire face as he just looked over at David before turning back to Jason. "Dude, that's not what you said last night..."
Jason glared at his two friends as they both doubled over in laughter.