Alright, here we go. PersonaTM and Breath of FireTM are © Atlus and Capcom, respectively.
All characters(unless otherwise noted)/images/writings that appear on this site are © their respective creators.
By reading this you are agreeing that by stealing anything on this website you are liable to be subjected to being hunted down, drug out into the street, bopped a million times with a squeaky mallet, and then left for the Evil Shadow Bunnies to dispose of you in whatever way they like.
If you have any questions at all and need to contact one of the authors of this site, you may contact either Frank or me via e-mail. Our contact information is also available on the contact page and in random places all over the website.
Um... other random legal stuff... ~drums her fingers on the keyboard~ If you wish to link to us, feel free. No, we don't have any banners or anything. ~blink blink~ If you want for us to link to you... well, first of all this site is not supposed to be used as any sort of way to generate traffic to other sites. If it was, then this site would be a webring or something. However, if you have a helpful site on either Breath of Fire or Persona then we may consider it.
Alright... yea... I'm pretty sure that's it.
Have a nice day. =^-^=