3/4/02- New chapter added to LAWH2. 3/1/02- Two new chapters added to LAWH2. 2/28/02- Two new chapters added to LAWH2.
2/26/02- LAWH2 chapter added.
2/25/02- New chapter to LAWH2.
2/23/02- New chapter uploaded to LAWH2.
2/22/02- New pic added to Art page.
2/21/02- New chapter to LAWH2.
2/20/02- 'Nother new chapter added to LAWH2. 2/19/02- Weeee, it's been a while. Anyway, new chapter to LAWH2. 2/10/02- New chapter to LAWH2. 2/8/02- Yay! Look, an update! New chapter to LAWH2.. oh Landon, that's 101 chapters! ~blink~ I just said 'oh Landon'... =0-o=;; myah 2/6/02- Went and uploaded like.... four pics to the Art page. Three of them are old sketches that I just put up though, only one of those pictures is really new and that's the one with Diane and Chris. ~blink~
2/5/02- Uploaded new bio pics for Jason and Lucy.
2/4/02- Two new chapters added to LAWH2. 2/2/02- New art to Art page. 2/1/02- Three new chapters added to LAWH2. 1/31/02- Two new chapters added to LAWH2.
1/30/02- New art to the Art page.
1/29/02- Uploaded two new chapters for LAWH2. ~blink~ Yea, there was a few days delay in updates, writing seems to be dying down a little. We'll see if it starts back up. 1/25/02- Uploaded two new chapters to LAWH2. 1/24/02- New chapter for LAWH2 ~yup, only one new one so far~
1/23/02- Added up.. ~blink~ I think four chapters to LAWH2... wait.. yea, four. ~blink~
1/22/02- Three new chapters added to LAWH2.
1/21/02- Two new chapters added to LAWH2.
1/20/02- Three new chapters uploaded to LAWH2.
1/19/02- Alright, uploaded three more chapters to LAWH2, and two chapters to the Windian Trio Journal. 1/18/02- Four more chapters added to LAWH2... holy cow this thing has gotten big. ~blink~
1/17/02- Uploaded two new chapters to LAWH2.
1/16/02- Okay, kinda big update. Uploaded three new chapters for LAWH2, uploaded a new bio pic for Frank and a title pic for the legal page, uploaded a new chapter for the Windian Trio journal, and Frank's been updating a few of his character bios.
1/13/02- Missed a day. ~gasps~ Anyway... four more chapters uploaded to LAWH2. More to come soon.
1/11/02- Five new chapters to LAWH2.
1/10/02- New character and bio added to Frank's Characters.
1/9/02- Oookay... I have got to stop writing these chapters at 3 in the morning. ~blink~ Two new chapters to LAWH2, one mine, one Franks. Also, updated bio pic for Justin. Nate's should be appearing next.
1/8/02- Just added.. ~counts~ five.. yea, five more chapters to LAWH2, making it now 50 chapters long, the longest written story-thingy up on this page. ~blink~
1/7/02- Three more chapters to LAWH2 were just uploaded.
1/6/02- Two more chapters to LAWH2.
1/5/02- Two new chapters to LAWH2. Wee... 40 chapters already...
1/4/02- New chapter added to LAWH2.
1/3/02- Five new chapters just added to LAWH2.
1/2/02- Belated Happy New Year to everyone. Updates kinda dwindled off for a bit... that was my fault, hadn't been writing for a while. Anyway, four new chapters added to LAWH2. 12/31/01- Alright... writing finally slowed down. Just added chapter 25 to LAWH2. 12/30/01- Yay! More LAWH2 chapters! ~grins~ Writing is fun!
12/29/01- Frank and I have just been having a writing fest. Four new chapters added to LAWH2.
12/28/01- Chapters 14-20 uploaded for OOD.
12/27/01- Weee..... chapters 6-13 uploaded to Out of Darkness. ~blink blink~ Heh, may do even more later today. ~is just a little bored...~
12/26/01- The last chapter for ARTH was just uploaded. ARTH is now officially done. ~blink~ Now.... must get OOD uploaded, and LAWH2 can start. 12/25/01- Merry Christmas, all. ~purr~ New chapter added to ARTH. Now all of you go and enjoy the holidays. Go! ENJOY! MYAH! 12/22/01- Another new chapter added to ARTH. Almost done ~purrs at Frank~ and then um.. ~blink~ upload more OOD.. and then open up LAWH2. ~plops down~ Myah.. I wanna write.. 12/19/01- Another new chapter added to ARTH. 12/18/01- New chapter added to ARTH. 12/14/01- Added final scene, final chapter, and credits to the play. It's all done! ... now what to write? ~blink~ 12/13/01- Added a new chapter to the play.
12/11/01- New chapter to ARTH up.
12/10/01- Update on something different now. A new chapter added to the play, I'm gonna try and get this thing done soon.
12/9/01- Twice the upload! Two new ARTH chapters up. 12/2/01- New chapter to ARTH uploaded. 11/22/01- Happy Turkey day! Oh, and new chapter for ARTH. 11/11/01- New chapter to ARTH. ~sticks her tongue out at Archy~ I update when I have material to update with... 11/4/01- New art on art page.
11/2/01- You know, techinically it's still 11/1/01 for me, but I'll pretend it's 11 minutes later ~blink~
10/24/01- Yay! Update! New chapter added to ARTH. 10/12/01- New pic added to art page.
10/10/01- New pic to art page. It's late ~yawns~ me go sleep now. ~falls asleep~
10/8/01- New pic to art page. 10/6/01- Chapter 29 for ARTH up. 9/23/01- Chapter 28 to ARTH up.
9/12/01- Didn't get any updates for the past few days, I know, but there's one here now. New ARTH chapter up.
9/9/01- Chapter 26 up for ARTH. ~purr~
9/8/01- I didn't update yesterday ~gasp~ after 20 days of constant updates we finally had a one day break. =0-o=;;
9/6/01- You know this page has been going for 6 months? Neat. Anyway, no updates just yet. School's back in for me, and even though I only have one class at my high school it's just a couple of weeks before college starts and then I really get to start working ~blink~ myah, so if updates slow down any that's why. Frank's working on getting ARTH home done, I've been putting off mass chapter uploads of OOD because of that ~purrm~ It'd be really easy to get that whole story up in just a week or so because it's all written, I just have to htmlize it ~shrugs~ which isn't very hard... I'm just not so Frank's got time to upload. =^^=;; The play I've been working on is pretty close to being done too honestly... just been too lazy to work on it lately. ~yawn~ Gah... do I have anything else to say? No, I don't. Check later for any updates for today.
9/5/01- Added two more chapters to OOD.
9/4/01- Maria's bio is up.
9/3/01- New chapter for ARTH.
9/2/01- 3 more scenes added to the play.
9/1/01- LAWH has been closed. Two last chapters were added to it before its closing, making LAWH1 43 chapters long. =^^=; wee! And most were added in the past few days. ~sweatdrop~ Myah, anyway, my BoF Fanfic ~named Out of Darkness~ is now being uploaded. Dunno how long that'll take, it's all written, just all being uploaded. ~tail waves~ at the same time Frank's finishing up ARTH and the play is being worked on, so there's a bit that'll be finished hopefully before LAWH2 starts up ~purrm~
8/31/01- LAWH closes tomorrow you know. ~tail waves~ So there's another chapter up there now.
8/30/01- Starting up a new story! I'd tell you the inspiration behind it but it's long and has to do with balloons and swords and various other strange things. =0-o=; Myah. ~blink~ Anyway, the story is a mock play of the Princess Bride, played out by our characters and directed by our lil woren Alex. =^^= Myah, I'll stop talking though, chapter one is up, go read!
8/29/01- Added chapter 21 to ARTH. ~purr~
8/28/01- LAWH!
8/27/01- LAWH. =^^= Big surprise.
8/26/01- Another LAWH chapter added. ~giggles~ Look! Frank managed to put out two chapters in a row without me writing something in between! ~myah~ Been too busy finishing up my story.
8/25/01- New LAWH chapter.
8/24/01- Uploaded a new LAWH chapter.
8/23/01- Chelsea's bio added. ~that was quick~
8/22/01- New character added to character page under Kate's Not so main characters ~points~ Chelsea Procter. Just a name, no bio.
8/21/01- Made another change to the character page, going to add a list of the Windian High staff ~purrm~ nothing there yet, but will be as soon as Frank and I get a list done =^^=; or close to done.. ~blink~ myah, anyway, teachers don't really fall under any specific writer, since either of us can use the staff, but we may favor using a few over others =^^= so it's not classified as to who created which staff... ~tail waves~
8/20/01- Added a new chapter to LAWH. ~yawns~ Myah... it's 3pm.. should prolly go eat breakfast. ~blink~
8/19/01- Decided that some of Frank's 'Not So Main' characters are well... not so main. ~blink~ so took them out... got rid of the listed persona on the characters list page and then two of the not so main persona users ~the persona really have yet to make a character appearence most of them... and the persona users only really appeared so far in ARTH, so I dunno if I should count those. =^^=;~ Myah, Frank, tell me if you want any other characters listed under you just yet. ~poke~ or not... anyway, the list has been shortened until further notice. 8/18/01- Neko Chan's bio added. =^^=; Finally! 8/15/01- Yay! Another update! New chapter added to Frank's A Return Trip Home. 8/4/01- A real update! Added a new chapter to LAWH! Yes, it's no mirage. =^^=;; I was hit by a muse earlier today, and it really hurt. ~blink~ So after I put a bandage on the bump I sat down and began writing. =^-^= May actually get a second chapter up today.... maybe..
8/2/01- The complainer is now complaining about my comment that he complained when he really didn't. ~sticks her tongue out at Archon~ So since he keeps complaining that I should fix it and explain how he really wasn't complaining in the first place.
7/17/01- I got a complaint that there hasn't been an update in days. I'm here to give an excuse.
7/2/01- Yay! An update! Chapter 19 added to Return Trip Home.
6/28/01- Geez, it's been a month and still no update :P Well, it's summer now, so all I really need to do is get off of my tail and start working again.
5/28/01- Really been a week since I've updated? Eep. =0-0= Myah well... still wroking on getting Nekochan's bio up.. so that'll be up as soon as I get the bio pic done. ~purrm~
5/21/01- New chapter added to LAWH. Myah... why is it that whenever Frank adds a chapter to LAWH, I feel compelled to write up one? =0-o=;; Or two... myah.. =~~=;; Anyway, might get another one added up today if I write it. =^-^=;;;
5/20/01- New chapter added to LAWH.
5/16/01- Been doing various mini updates. =0-o= Nothing really world shaking, just fixed up a few speeling errors or adding puncutation or changing/removing scentences on various pages. =^^=;; Just thought I'd mention it since this is the fifth time I'm about to change some minor detail. If anything bigger gets uploaded today I'll be sure to look confused and wonder how I got anything done.
5/15/01- Added three new chapters to LAWH and a new character to Frank's character list.
5/13/01- Happy Momma day! =^^=
5/8/01- Mrs. Wireman's bio added.
5/7/01- 3 more chapters added to LAWH.
5/6/01- New art on the art page.
5/5/01- Finally got Chad's bio up. It's a day late. =0-o=;; 5/3/01- Lots of Persona User's Persona spells added for Frank/Nate/Ellen =^^= 5/2/01- Justin's bio's up.
5/1/01- Added a new chapter to LAWH. ~myah, I'm bored. =0-o=;;~
4/30/01- Myah! An update! Candice's bio's up. 4/23/01- Lucy's new bio pic up. 4/22/01- New Jason bio pic up.
4/21/01- Is it really the 21st? ~blinks~ Myah! eh... so it is. =^^= Heh... don't mind me, getting used to a new computer. ~pets her laptop happily~ Anyway, this little thing is great for all but graphics. =^^= Because it's got that annoying screen that changes dark/lightness from even single angle you look at it on =@-@= GAH! NO! BAD! ~growls~
4/17/01- Got bored. Currently adding what type of spells characters know. ~points to Jason's bio~ He's the first to have any put up.
4/16/01- New chapter added to LAWH.
4/14/01- New character ~not bio, just a name~ added on the character page. ~points~ Under Frank's minor characters, Cherise Fallon.
4/13/01- It's Friday the 13th, so of course I've gone and done something odd and updated again. :P
4/12/01- An update! =^.^= Ryan's bio up. Now working on getting Chris' up.
4/10/01- Nope. This isn't an update. This is an excuse. =^^=;;
4/6/01- New chapter added to Life at Windian High.
4/5/01- New art on art page.
4/3/01- Added something new to the Archives, a little thing called 'Life at Windian High (Part 1).' None of the chapters are up yet, but that's just because I haven't written any yet. =^-^=;; See, if I didn't atleast get the index page up or something, I'd just end up forgetting about it...
4/2/01- ~looks at the clock~ um... technically today is 4/3/01... but... well.. I haven't gone to sleep yet, and it just turned midnight. =^-^=;;; so I'm counting it as 4/2/01.
4/1/01- Nate's bio is up. ~purr~ Going to spend much of Spring Break finishing up the bios and finally htmlizing my story. :P
3/29/01- Frank's bio is up now.
3/28/01- Uploaded title piccy on Persona info page. ~purr~
3/27/01- Fixed the speeling of Archives, something ICQ friend Archon pointed out. ~innocent cough~ Um.. still need to upload that chapter.. kinda bogged down by the million pics I'm working on right now, sorry =^-^=;;
3/25/01- Character bios being added now ~yay!~ and there's another chapter I need to add to Frank's story, but I'll do that tomorrow =^-^=;; it's a long chapter..
3/21/01- Added a link page. <:P Updates are probably going to start slowing way the heck down soon, fare warning. 3/19/01- New images up on the art page ~purr~. 3/16/01- Added a new chapter to Frank's story.
3/13/01- Yay! Frank sent me in an overview on Persona! Thanky! =^.^= That's the only update for today. Just to let you know, I'm going to start writing in my story again probably tomorrow, and I'm currently working on character pictures for the bios, so those will start appearing one by one within the next week. =^-^=
3/12/01- Yet another piccy, this time on the About This Page page. Dey so kyute! =^-^=
3/11/01- New cute piccy up in the archieves =^.^= 3/10/01- Uploaded Frank's fic. 3/9/01- Yay! First thingy of art! =^-^= It's 1:30 am and I'm tired... =~-~= 3/8/01- Added a few more pages, getting to the point where I'm actually gonna htmlize the stories.... who am I writing these updates to anyway? =0-o=;; 3/6/01- Page was born |