Kate's story chapter sixteen

"Are you sure you haven't found her?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

Carrie glanced down at the floor with sad eyes. Kate had almost been missing for an entire day now.

"We'll keep looking, don't worry." The windian guard patted Carrie lightly on the shoulder. "If she is out there, we'll find her."

"Thanks." Carrie watched as the guard left and closed the door. She turned back into the house and headed over into the next room. Sitting heavely in a small chair, she sighed and cast her eyes to the floor. Pagan came up and rubbed her small head against the windian woman's leg and she reached down and pet the small black creature. Kate, where are you?


"Kate..." I was still in Frank's arms and glanced up when I heard him speak my name. "I need to know..." He continued in a quiet tone. "What's going on between you and Tellka? If you think I'm going to tell anyone else, then you don't have to say anything. But I'll let you know this: What you say to me now will stay with me. I promis I won't tell anyone."

I glanced over at Tellka.

"Do you really think it's safe to tell him?"

I thought about that for a moment. I suppose... I do. Look at all he has helped us with. I believe he won't tell anyone.

Tellka nodded. "Okay.. if you're sure... But, make sure to tell him in the simplest way possible. We don't need to spend five hours trying to explain the, you are me and I am you, thing.. just.. think of something simple."

Okay. I looked back up at Frank. Something seemed a little different about him, but I'm not sure what. I think Tellka noticed it too. "Frank... are you OK?"

"Huh? Yeah, Kate... I'm fine..." Tellka began to snicker. "What?" He glanced over at her.

"Nothing... nothing at all..." Tellka shook her head and tried to hide her grin.


"I'll tell you later, Kate..."

"Frank..." He turned back to me. "About Tellka..." I thought of the easiest way to put it. "She's sort of like a guardian spirit. She's been with me since I was seven."

Frank raised an eyebrow. "Seven... How old are you know?"

"I just turned sixteen yesterday."

I saw Frank smile, and he turned to Tellka. "Ok, I'll keep my word on this. No one will find out about this from me."

"Okay, Frank. If Kate can trust you then so can I. Now let's go upstairs and get Kate equipped." Tellka couldn't help but grin.

I had been feeling a bit tired after all of the excitment, and the sound of anything close to more fighting was hardly what I wanted now. I blinked sleepily and made myself comftorable. It's warm here, and I feel safe.. My thoughts purred lightly, and I think I almost driften to sleep in his arms. I hardly felt him take the rapier from me. I felt us heading upstairs.

"Look at this place..." I heard Frank say. I had my eyes closed, but I imagined he was looking at all of the weapons. Suddenly I felt us moving again and the next thing I knew he was putting me down on a small cot. I felt a little relived to be laying down on something, but I kinda missed the safe feeling of Frank's arms holdin me. That's odd...

"What is?"


After a moment I glanced up at him. "Frank..."

"Yeah, Kate..." he said gently.

"Thank you..." I closed my eyes for a moment and felt sleep drift over me. Suddenly, something made me open them again and I glanced up for a moment, and blinked in surprise. "Oh... How did that butterfly get in here?" I wasn't even sure if it was real or not. Why would there be a butterfly in here? Of all places.

Frank turned and saw the yellow butterfly fluttering above me. "That butterfly... again?"

My mouth dropped in surprise but before I could even form the words to ask Frank what he ment, a bright flash filled the room and I had to cover my eyes from the light.


I shook my head and looked around. Where the heck.... There was nothing around me. No armory, no Windia, just.. nothing. I blinked. Below me was an odd checkerboard pattern floor. I studied it for a moment and glanced around. I noticed Frank was standing to my right, and he didn't seem as confused as I was. I then realized something that was very odd. I had been standing, even though my ankle was twisted. That just didn't seem right. I shivered, and was aware of another feeling. I felt different.. hollow, like something was missing. It must be Tellka.. I thought as I glanced around again. We've never been so far apart.. I noticed a man, dressed entirely in white and wearing a white mask was infront of us. I looked over at Frank and then at the man. I was feeling very uncomftorable.

"Welcome back, Frank." The man said. "Kate, you do not know me, yet. My name is Philemon... I was the one who gave Frank and his friends their powers." I looked at him in surprise. He continued. "Kate, you will not need these powers. You will grow on your own, eventually."

"Philemon, maybe you can help me. Why am I in Windia? Are my friends..." Frank started.

Philemon waved his hand. "Your friends are fine. They are in another Lunarvale, a product of someone's imagination. However, Frank, Windia is a very real place, a kingdom within this entire world. You were brought here for a purpose. That purpose, I cannot tell you at the moment. In due time, though, you will learn. I found out about you when Ladon, the God of this world, let me know that someone had slipped into Windia."

Frank breathed a sigh of relief and I looked over at him curiously.

"Frank..." Philemon started. "The time has come... I will gice you the power to unlcok your 'Ultimate Persona.' However, we must look and see if oyu are worthy." Philemon pointed in one direction and images popped up. Frank and I looked over at them curiously.

"In the hospital, you could have chosen to let this nurse die by not helping Alex and Yuki. However, you chose to help them, putting your life at stake, knowing that the demons were coming after you." He pointed to another image. "You learned about Redwing, and what he was planning to do to Kate. You could have left but didn't."

And for that I am gratefull. I thought to myself and smiled happily and Frank. He smiled back and we both looked back over at Philemon.

"You put your life at risk by getting Kate out of harms way. Impressive... most others would not have done this." Philemon stated. He pointed to yet another picture. "Instead of running off, you decided to lend your services to Kate and Tellka. Another thing others would not do." He then pointed to one last picture. "Finally, Frank... You helped Kate when she injured herself trying to escape from those demons. You could have left her to die, but you did not." He waved his hand and the images dissapated.

"Impressive... You are indeed worthy. Take these." I looked down as a pendant and a minature staff appeared on the floor in front of Frank. He picked them up.

"What are they?" He asked. I took another look at the staff.

Hey, that's....

"The staff is a minature version of a weapon called the Meow Staff. If mixed with a justice class persona, it will make youre Ultimate Persona, which is unique to you. The pendant belonged to a warrior from the second generation of the destined, in particular, one Katt Chaun." I blinked as I hear Philemon say this. How did he know so much about us? Our history? He continued.

"You have traits in you that are unique. Which is why your personas can only be used by you. You will find out about Emperor Dragon and your ultimate persona later. The pendant will help you think clearly, and focus in battle. As for Judgment:Angel, refer to her now as Judgment:Winlan. She is the spirit of Nina Winlan, the Windian Princess from the first destined cycle."

"So that's why she looked like that fountain in the park... And when Tellka told me... amazing... " Frank got out. He picked up the small staff and pocketed it. He then put the pendant around his neck. I looked back at Philemon.

"Philemon... How did you know who I was?"

"She told me." Philemon stated, and with that, the spirit of a female woren appeared. I let out a surprised gasp stepped back in surprise. Suddenly I felt tears coming to my eyes as I looked at the spirit.

"Kate???" I heard Frank ask.

"Frank..." I spoke quietly. "That... that's my mother..."

Chapter 17
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e-mail author, talonr@hotmail.com