I decided to add Tellka's stats because she is becoming a bit of a main character in Kate's Chapters.
- Name: Tellka
- Age: N/A She died when she was about 23
- Gender: Female
- Race: 50% Woren 50% Human
- Hair Color: Red
- Eye Color: Green
- Religion: None
- Desrciption: Like Kate she is partially human, accept it affected her looks in a different way. When Tellka was alive, it was long before the second cycle of the destined children, back when most of the clans were still pure-bred and cross clan breeding was something most would never think about. Since the blood wasn't as used to being diluted back then, it had more of a dramatic affect on her, which included discoloration to her fur. Unlinke most Woren who have a golden coat with the tiger strips, her fur is a lit tan color, and stripless. Other then that, she resembles what a pure-bred Woren female used to look like.
- Personality: It depends. In both the stories I have used Tellka in she has seemed to have a different personality. In Fading Shadows Tellka's personality turns out to be more cold-hearted, vendistic, untrustworthy, and perhaps even a little sadistic. But in the WRPG, she is seen as much more outgoing, friendly, and kind of the 'big sister guardian' type to Kate. The truth is that she is both of these. To a perfect stranger, or just plan on the outside, Tellka is a very sucluded, and untrusting person who would rather strike you down then shake your hand. But when you get to know her, it's like she is one of the nicest people you know.
- Classification: It's hard to call Tellka much of anything. She's a fighter/guardian.
- Good or Evil: Nuetral. It depends on how you meet her. Actually, it depends on how you think of Kate. If you don't like Kate, Tellka will be hell around you. If you do like Kate, Tellka will put up with you. It's not very often she makes new friends. Usually, she just puts up with the ones Kate has.
- Items: Tellka has a Meow Staff she uses for fighting. Other then that, she doesn't need anything... she's a spirit...
- History: Tellka is the spirit from one of Kate's past lives (I won't go much into the life since I am writing a story about it called Fading Shadows. There aren't that many chapters up yet but its Tellka's life). She became Kate's guardian simply because she felt that she had that job, she and Kate being of the same soul I mean, so that is how the whole thing started. Tellka has been her personal body guard and closest friend since Kate was about 7.
- Companions: Kate
- Misc: Tellka spends much of her time fighting at the Colliseum. She was a great fighter during her lifetime and still is a little, although she does feel that she needs some practice. She is able to revert herself from a spirit form, to a physical form. In her physical form, she can taste, touch, smell, feel, eat, sleep, ect. and can be seen by anyone. But, in her spirit form, her only way of comunication is by telepathy with Kate. She cannot smell, taste, touch, or use any of her senses, and is invisable to all.. except maybe an experienced medium (the only way Kate knows she is there is by some strange 'feeling' she gets when Tellka is around).
- Where in Windia: Living with Kate in Central Windia
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