This is Tellka.. in the beginning. =0-o=
- Name: Tellka
- Age: N/A She died when she was about 23
- Gender: Female
- Race: 50% Woren 50% Human
- Hair Color: Red
- Eye Color: Green
- Religion: None
- Desrciption: Like Kate she is partially human, accept it affected her looks in a different way. When Tellka was alive, it was long before the second cycle of the destined children, back when most of the clans were still pure-bred and cross clan breeding was something most would never think about. Since the blood wasn't as used to being diluted back then, it had more of a dramatic affect on her, which included discoloration to her fur. Unlinke most Woren who have a golden coat with the tiger strips, her fur is a lit tan color, and stripless. Other then that, she resembles what a pure-bred Woren female used to look like.
- Personality: She hates worens. In a nutshell. And she isn't too excited that Landon sent her to a family of them. She's looking for the nearest reason to leave that she can get. Tellka isn't the funnest person to be around. She is extremely serious and pessemistic. She doesn't enjoy company, and would rather be alone most of the time to think and reflect.
- Classification: It's hard to call Tellka much of anything. She's a fighter/guardian.
- Good or Evil: Nuetral. It depends on how you meet her.
- Items: Tellka carries with her a staff that she created herself. ((Designed and decorated =^-^=))
- History: Tellka is the spirit from one of Kate's past lives (I won't go much into her life since I am writing a story about it called Fading Shadows. There aren't that many chapters up yet but its Tellka's life). Memories of her life are still fresh in her mind and she isn't too happy to be back. She's not quite sure why she is back, or how long it's been, but slowly she is piecing it together. Right now, she is mainly working on this Chan-Family thing.
- Companions: None, but she lives with the Chan family, composed of Janis and her 7 year old daughter, Kate.
- Misc: Appearently Tellka is supposed to become Kate's guardian.
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