Kate's story chapter three

I had been walking outside for a while, just getting used to the town around me. It was a big place, I could just imagine how huge Windia must be compared to other towns. Ofcourse, the only other place I had ever lived in was the little place of Cottland. I had stayed there for about two years before my mother had moved the family away from there. I was never used to being in large towns, and Central Windia along, was enormous by my scale. I look around me. Inns, houses, bakeries, shops, even a blacksmith. Yes, to me this place was huge...

...and boring

Honestly, I already loved being in Windia. It was a great place to stay, even if this was only my second or third day here. But out of all the shops and everything, I just couldn't seem to find anything to do. I glanced around. There were many people walking the streets, many children too. Children. Perhaps no more then seven or eight, and most of the Windians. I sighed. Sure, I was used to not really having anyone to hang out with or anything. I wasn't like kids born in large towns or anything, but atleast back home I had had the woods to live in and roam around, and even feel safe. But here in Windia, I was alienated. I was scared of the large crowds of people. I couldn't help but feel that for some reason, ever one was just staring at me. I sighed and continued walking, my head lowered and I stared at the ground as I walked.

"How about that? It looks interesting enough." I heard a familiar voice say beside me. I didn't even have to turn to look, I already knew who it was, and besides, if I looked over she wouldn't be there. Instead I glanced up ahead of me.

"That?" I stared at the large coloseum that loamed in the distance. "What do you want to go there for?"

"You know how I feel about fights, I think this might be interesting."

I sighed and began heading towards the building. "I suppose its something to do." I muttered.

I entered the building and walked up to the desk, asking when the next fight would be and if Icould get some seats. The woman at the desk glanced over the times and informed me I had about one hour untill one started. She smiled. "It ought to be a good fight. We have a well known fighter that came by today, I suggest that if your going to be betting you should place your chances on him..."

I stopped her before she told me his name or anything. What have I got to bet on? Besides, I was only here for something to do. I'm not really interested in these fights, and I really didn't like fighting myself. I have my own way of protecting myself, and as long as it works I'm happy, no questions asked. I headed out to find some seats.

In the back, I thought, that's always a good place to sit.. I picked out a pair of seats and plopped down in one.

"You could have atleast gotten some better seats.." There was that voice again. I glanced over at the older Woren sitting next to me. "I mean," she continued, "look at all the space we have down there, but up here you can hardly see a thing!" She sighed and slumped back into her seat. I grumbled.

"Gads," I sighed, "couldn't you have thought of a better place, Tellka? These things.. I think there fake.. probably planned out.." Tellka glanced over at me.

"Fake, huh? You wanna bet?"

I shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me.. it's just a fight."

She chuckled. "It's a way to earn easy money is what it is. Now hush, its starting."

I turned away from Tellka and glanced down at the ring, struggling to hear the announcer. What was that? Something about an armadillo? Was the one of the fighters? Maybe I should have chosen a spot closer than this.. I squinted as the fighters came out into the ring. I could just barely see them, one, and large looking guy, I couldn't make out what clan he was from. Something like blacksmith, or maybe armadillo, yea, that's what he his. I glanced over at his competitor, a highlander women. I muttered quietly to myself as the fight began. I whispered over to Tellka. "What's going on?"

"I can't tell, they haven't dont much yet. The highlander has been doing a few lunges but the other one seems to be sizing her up for now."

I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped up and slid into a seat farther up, squeezing beside a forest clan man. He didn't seem to notice me, he was too busy shouting out some comments I didn't catch. Tellka appeared beside me in a flash (not literally) and sat down in the seat next to me. Yes, now I could see what was going on.

I watched has the fight unfolded between the Armadillo and the Highlander woman. The battle almost seemed to drag on for hours until the winner was finally anounced. I heard cheers well up around me as the Armadillo, Archone I think his name was, was announced winner of this battle.

"He's good." I heard Tellka mutter. "Not that I couldn't do the same, but it has bee a while since I have fought anyone near my strength."

I rolled my eyes. "And the last time you fought, how long has that been?"

Tellka scowled at me. "Doesn't matter how long it's been, I'm still good."

"Oh gee, then why don't you sign up?" I muttered sarcastically. Either she didn't know I didn't mean it or maybe she did, but suddenly her eyes lit up. "Oh no..." I groaned. "No, Tellka, don't.." Too late, she was gone. I jumped out of my seat and waded through the crowd of people who had come to watch, trying to get back to the front desk. I got there in time to see the woman at the counter pointing Tellka over to a little door at the right of the desk. I watched as Tellka dissapeared into the room and slumped up against the wall and waited. It didn't take too long. Tellka came walking back out, the large staff that she used as a weapon was held in her arm.

"I passed." She said lightly to the woman. She then pointed Tellka over to a room at the left. "Get ready in there," she stated. "You'll be on in about two hours."

I followed behind Tellka as she headed toward the room. "What happened with the director?" I asked her curiously.

"They should have told me he was Woren."

I paused, hearing that, for a moment and raced to catch up with Tellka as she entered her room. "You left him in one piece, right?" I called after her. She shrugged.

"Pretty much."

Chapter 4
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e-mail author, talonr@hotmail.com